Experiential Yoga Philosophy: How to Connect Spiritual Ideas to Real Life with Hari-kirtana das
10:00 AM10:00

Experiential Yoga Philosophy: How to Connect Spiritual Ideas to Real Life with Hari-kirtana das

Traditional yoga wisdom often feels out of reach—esoteric ideas, rigorous practices, and lofty goals that seem disconnected from our everyday experiences. But what if we could use these teachings to navigate the challenges we face each day?

The purpose of yoga wisdom isn’t meant to be far removed from reality; it’s meant to be lived. In this workshop, we’ll answer the question, “How can I transform yoga’s theoretical teachings into knowledge I can apply in my life?”

This workshop is for yoga enthusiasts who are ready to go beyond the surface and directly engage with the practical aspects of yoga philosophy. Over the course of our session, we’ll explore six essential teachings from the yoga wisdom tradition and learn how to apply each one in our personal, professional, social, and family lives. You’ll gain practical insights and tools to integrate this wisdom into your daily tasks and interactions—moving from knowledge to experience, one small step at a time.

Make yoga philosophy a lived experience! Join us to discover how ancient teachings can bring clarity and transformation to your life in a way that’s personal, practical, and relevant.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Cost: $35

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

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Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Immersion with Tara Lemerise
1:00 PM13:00

Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Immersion with Tara Lemerise

Saturday, March 29th 1:00-6:00pm AND
Sunday, March 30th 1:00-6:00pm

Pranayama - the breath practices of yoga - is one of the most deeply powerful but underused and misinterpreted set of yoga tools. Despite being identified as one of the limbs of yoga in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and in other yoga texts, most yoga classes and even 200 hour teacher training programs do not spend much time, if any, on this important and impactful aspect of yoga.

If you are seeking a deeper engagement with the subtle energy body, some experiential anatomy including a deeper understanding of the nervous system, and some inspiration to advance your yoga practice and/or teaching, this immersion is your opportunity to expand your yoga experience beyond the postures. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 10 continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

This two-day 10-hour immersion includes the following:

  • History and purpose of pranayama

  • The framework for the movement of energy in Hatha Yoga, known as the vayu

  • Anatomy of the nervous system, respiratory system, and circulatory system

  • Practice with the foundational pranayama techniques, as well as several of their variations

This training is ideal for:

10 CEUs with Yoga Alliance

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Anyone currently enrolled in an immersion or yoga teaching training program

You will also have the opportunity to explore the accessible and powerful approaches to meditation that naturally evolve from pranayama practices. You will learn the history of meditation and learn the appropriate way to use mala beads to support your practice.

Each session includes some asana to prepare you to sit comfortably, lecture, reflection, and discussion. We will have ample time to practice with the breath and the inner workings of mind, along with some optional practice teaching for anyone who wants to incorporate more pranayama in their classes.

All curious folks are welcome. No specific yoga experience is required to participate in this immersion.

Cost: $240 (Handouts included)

Learn more about Tara at our Teacher Bio Page.

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YOUR Body in Yoga : Functional Anatomy Immersions with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD
1:00 PM13:00

YOUR Body in Yoga : Functional Anatomy Immersions with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD

Functional Anatomy Weekend at UpLift Yoga

Sat. March 29th, 1:00-6:30pm (Upper Body and Spine)
Sat. April 12th, 1:00pm-6:30pm (Sacrum and Lower Body)

“This training is a game changer for any yoga practitioner” ~Lynne Olson

Harshly judging one's range of motion is one of the greatest sources of unnecessary suffering in many people’s yoga practice. The poses in yoga are intended to be a method to move the regenerative and healing life force. To do that effectively in yoga, we must understand each of our own (or our students) unique structures and explore when we can move more deeply into a posture or when to acknowledge limitations with respect.

Although some restrictions in range of motion are related to tight muscles, and more are related to contracted fascia and ligaments, many significant limitations are actually due to variations in bone shapes and joint orientations that can differ dramatically from one person to the next. Understanding YOUR yoga anatomy is best learned through direct hands-on experience - testing your bones/joints and witnessing them curiously and compassionately to the bones of others.

This functional, comparative anatomy workshop explores the 10 major joint segments of the body that account for most of our yoga postures. For each joint intersection, we will perform bone analysis and range of motion tests on ourselves, compare with each other, and demonstrate how each varying joints will express itself in specific yoga postures.

Anatomy is a vast subject, but this interactive workshop reveals the basics in a way that clarifies and simplifies the yoga practice - putting the attention back where it belongs - how the key action of each pose makes you FEEL and moves the life force. In this workshop, participants often experience an “ah-ha” moment about their body and their practice, which can be powerfully liberating and self-accepting.

11 CEUs for Yoga Alliance

11 CEUs Available for Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance

This workshop is ideal for all yoga practitioners, whether one is a beginner or experienced student wishing to deepen their knowledge of their body in practice and for yoga teachers looking to expand their teaching and cueing.

Cost: $250 for Both Sessions or $150 per Single Session

Includes Manual and CEUs Certificate

Founder of Roots & River Yoga, Machelle Lee, has more than 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher and massage therapist. Learn more at our teacher bio site.

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Myths and Tales Behind the Poses with Tara Lemerise
1:00 PM13:00

Myths and Tales Behind the Poses with Tara Lemerise

Who is the warrior of Warrior I, II, and III? Eagle pose doesn't look much like an eagle. Why is it called that? And why are the splits named after the monkey god Hanuman?

In this workshop Tara will teach you the Sanskrit names for several yoga postures that will help deepen your understanding of the poses. You'll get some tips and tricks to pronounce Sanskrit words as you learn about the history and philosophy of yoga in a fun and dynamic way.

3 CEUs provided to Certified Teachers through Yoga Alliance

Indologist Dr. Edwin Bryan always says, "Don't be afraid of Sanskrit." And he's right! Being open to learning even just a little bit of Sanskrit can take your yoga practice (and teaching!) to the next level. This workshop is mostly lecture with some opportunity for journaling and self-reflection, along with some optional practice storytelling.

It is suitable for anyone who is curious about the Hindu and Buddhist roots of yoga and CEU's are available for yoga teachers registered with Yoga Alliance.

Cost: $48

Learn more about Tara at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise
to May 4

Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise

Saturday, May 3rd 12:00-6:00pm AND
Sunday, May 4th 12:00-6:00pm

Some of our deepest experiences of yoga happen when we have the opportunity to rest with support, awareness, and intention. Restorative Yoga is more than just adult nap time or an occasional indulgence. This immersive program will help you understand the profound impact of Restorative Yoga as a practitioner and/or a yoga teacher. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 12 continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

In this two-day program, we will explore:

  • The benefits, applications, and energetics of Restorative Yoga

  • Detailed alignment and propping instruction of Restorative Yoga postures -when/how to use props

  • How to address injuries and limitations during Restorative Yoga practice

  • Ways to identify physical and energetic misalignment in Restorative Yoga poses - skills for physical and verbal adjustments during Restorative Yoga practice

  • The benefits of compassion cultivation and its relationship to Restorative Yoga

  • How to lead Restorative Yoga practices in a variety of settings to a wide range of students

12 CEUs provided to Certified Teachers through Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • Those looking to learn and experience effective ways to calm the nervous system and reduce stress

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Therapists, teachers, parents looking to offer down-regulating practices to those they support

Learn more about Tara at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Online Wisdom Workshop: How To Develop and Sell Great Workshops with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: How To Develop and Sell Great Workshops with Hari-kirtana das

A great yoga workshop can be a life-changing experience. The challenge for the teacher is to consistently craft workshops that make a real difference in people’s lives. One obstacle to meeting that challenge is our tendency to focus on developing content rather than on focusing on the results that our content should deliver for our students.

What if you had a system that helped you to identify the most valuable things you have to offer and matched them with the most important goals your students want to achieve?

In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • Why a systematic approach to workshop development is so valuable

  • How to know what kind of workshops you should offer (they may not be the ones you think)

  • How to structure your workshop development process

  • How a workshop development strategy makes marketing your workshop easier

  • And more

Empower yourself with the practical tools to ensure that each workshop you offer surpasses expectations and leaves your students enriched beyond measure. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your workshop offerings and make an indelible impact on those you serve.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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Online Wisdom Workshop: How to Read Yoga Wisdom Texts with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: How to Read Yoga Wisdom Texts with Hari-kirtana das

This live online workshop for yoga teachers and enthusiasts who want to understand the traditional teachings of yoga offers 8 simple strategies that will make the philosophical literature of the yoga tradition easier to access.

Yoga Teacher Training Programs routinely assign or suggest reading books like the Yoga-sutras and the Bhagavad-gita as a part of their curriculum. What’s usually missing is guidance on how to get the most out of one’s reading.

Does this sound like you?

  • “I want to read these books but can’t wrap my head around them.”

  • “I get confused before I’m halfway through the first chapter.”

  • “I feel discouraged about not being able to access the traditional knowledge”

  • “The parts that I understand just sound theoretical; I don’t see what the practical application is.”

  • “I can’t get through these books, so I feel like an imposter when I try to teach yoga philosophy.”

If so, this live online workshop is for you. You’ll learn techniques for reading yoga wisdom texts that will enable you to develop…

  • a deep and authentic relationship with the traditional teachings of yoga, 

  • the ability to hear what the traditional literature is really saying, 

  • clarity about why the traditional teachings still matter, 

  • enthusiasm for reading the traditional texts, 

  • and confidence that what you’re sharing in your classes is both accurate and authentic

You’ll come away from this workshop with time-honored tools for  getting past the obstacles to understanding traditional yoga wisdom texts.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD
1:00 PM13:00

Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD

Yin Yoga utilizes floor poses held muscularly relaxed for 3-5 minutes each in order to very gently, modestly, within limits, target and stimulate fascia and ligaments through traction and compression.

This basic introduction to Yin Yoga theory and its simple repertoire of poses is self-empowering for the support and rehabilitation of the ligaments that make up joint capsules and the fascia network of the low back, spine, hips, sacrum, knees and ankles.

In this workshop, the foundational principles of Yin Yoga will be discussed as well as the chemical responses that occur in the joints and fascia based on modern tissue regeneration research. Learn and experience why Yin Yoga is so uniquely therapeutic and rehabilitative to the joints and connective tissues.

3 CEUs for Yoga Alliance

This workshop is great for anyone who is curious about how the gentle but therapeutic practice of Yin Yoga can aid their joints and fascia, teachers who are interested in incorporating Yin Yoga principles into their classes, and for those who are hankering for a decadently long Yin Yoga practice.with respect.

All are welcome. No previous yoga experience needed.

Cost: $55

Founder of Roots & River Yoga, Machelle Lee, has more than 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher and massage therapist. Learn more at our teacher bio site.

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Online Wisdom Workshop: Intro to Bhakti-yoga with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: Intro to Bhakti-yoga with Hari-kirtana das

What does it mean to practice yoga with your heart?

If you’ve ever wondered how yoga can go beyond the mat and into the deepest corners of your inner life, bhakti yoga offers a profound answer. Translated as “the yoga of devotion,” bhakti is about cultivating a loving relationship with the divine—a relationship that transforms both your inner spiritual life and your day-to-day experience of the world.

In this 90-minute live online workshop, we’ll explore the foundational teachings of bhakti yoga as presented in through the theistic Vedanta lineage of Gaudiya Vaisnavism, a tradition of devotionalism dating back to medieval India based on the ancient teachings found in the Puranas and Upanishads.

In this workshop, you’ll learn:

  • What does bhakti mean, and how is it different from other yoga paths?

  • What are the benefits of cultivating a devotional yoga practice?

  • What does bhakti philosophy teach about the nature of the self, the world, and the divine?

  • How can you begin practicing bhakti yoga right now?

This will be an interactive experience that will combine philosophy with practice, so you’ll not only learn the core principles of bhakti yoga but also experience a practical introduction to mantra meditation—a simple yet powerful way to awaken your own devotional consciousness.

Imagine this:

What if spirituality didn’t feel like an abstract pursuit but instead became deeply personal, like a conversation between your soul and the divine? What if you could bring this sense of connection into every part of your life?

By the end of this workshop, you’ll have:

  • A clear understanding of the foundational principles of bhakti yoga.

  • Simple, accessible practices to start or deepen your experience of bhakti.

  • A vision for how bhakti yoga can bring purpose, joy, and meaning to your life.

You’re invited to bring your questions, your curiosity, and your heart to this sacred space. Let’s explore together what it means to awaken devotion and live a life infused with love.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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Online Wisdom Workshop: Pramana: How to Obtain "Right Knowledge” with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: Pramana: How to Obtain "Right Knowledge” with Hari-kirtana das

In a world where fact and opinion often blur together, the yogic system of pramana—the “source of right knowledge”—offers us a pathway to discernment.

In The Yoga Sutras, pramana is the first of the five vrittis (fluctuations of the mind), representing our means to distinguish truth from illusion. Without a clear understanding of pramana, we risk confusion, misguided beliefs, and decisions based on unreliable knowledge.

This workshop is designed to equip you with the tools to navigate life’s complexities with clarity and wisdom. 

In this workshop, you’ll:

  • Explore the Three Forms of Evidence: Delve into the significance of sense perception, logical reasoning, and verbal testimony as pathways for validating knowledge.

  • Engage with Sacred Texts: Learn practical techniques for interpreting sacred texts, discerning literal meanings from metaphorical insights, and uncovering the deeper truths embedded in yoga philosophy.

  • Practice Contemplative Reading: Discover methods for contemplative reading that foster critical thinking, personal reflection, and the integration of philosophical insights into your own worldview.

This will be a fun, insightful workshop designed to deepen your connection with yoga wisdom texts and help you integrate their teachings into your life. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your consciousness, sharpen your discernment, and embark on a journey of profound self-discovery.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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Online Wisdom Workshop: Navigating the Intersection of Yoga and Religion with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: Navigating the Intersection of Yoga and Religion with Hari-kirtana das

For many, yoga serves as a powerful spiritual practice, yet its relationship with religion and faith can often feel complex. How do the theistic roots of the yoga tradition fit with the universal appeal of yoga as a spiritual path?

This workshop dives into the nuanced connection between yoga as a universal pathway of spiritual realization and religion as an expression of faith. It offers a comprehensive exploration of how the yoga tradition intersects with concepts of divinity, faith, and philosophy.

Participants will gain clarity on:

  • The theistic elements within the yoga tradition, and how they contribute to a holistic practice.

  • The difference between Western ideas of God and the Vedic concept of the Absolute Truth.

  • How to reconcile dualistic and non-dualistic philosophies in yoga, understanding both perspectives in a way that enriches personal practice.

  • The relationship between yoga and Hinduism, and how yoga’s spiritual origins stand apart from any single religion.

  • What cultural appropriation is, the ways in which it’s often misunderstood, how to recognize it, how to avoid it, and how to respond to it.

We’ll also explore practical ways to lead meaningful conversations about yoga’s theological dimensions in secular settings. Participants will gain valuable insights into the relationship of faith and knowledge in yoga philosophy and tools for respectfully representing the yoga tradition in classes, workshops, and trainings.

Join us for this enlightening session to uncover the spiritual dimensions of yoga and find new ways to integrate and communicate these principles in modern life. Whether you’re a practitioner, teacher, or seeker, this workshop will empower you with insights to deepen your connection to yoga’s rich spiritual heritage.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Personal Immersion with Tara Lemerise
to Jan 19

Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Personal Immersion with Tara Lemerise

Saturday, January 18th 1:00-6:00pm AND
Sunday, January 19th 1:00-6:00pm

Pranayama - the breath practices of yoga - is one of the most deeply powerful but underused and misinterpreted set of yoga tools. Despite being identified as one of the limbs of yoga in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and in other yoga texts, most yoga classes and even 200 hour teacher training programs do not spend much time, if any, on this important and impactful aspect of yoga.

If you are seeking a deeper engagement with the subtle energy body, some experiential anatomy including a deeper understanding of the nervous system, and some inspiration to advance your yoga practice and/or teaching, this immersion is your opportunity to expand your yoga experience beyond the postures. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 10 continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

This two-day 10-hour immersion includes the following:

  • History and purpose of pranayama

  • The framework for the movement of energy in Hatha Yoga, known as the vayu

  • Anatomy of the nervous system, respiratory system, and circulatory system

  • Practice with the foundational pranayama techniques, as well as several of their variations

10 CEUs provided to Certified Teachers through Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Anyone currently enrolled in an immersion or yoga teaching training program

You will also have the opportunity to explore the accessible and powerful approaches to meditation that naturally evolve from pranayama practices. You will learn the history of meditation and learn the appropriate way to use mala beads to support your practice.

Each session includes some asana to prepare you to sit comfortably, lecture, reflection, and discussion. We will have ample time to practice with the breath and the inner workings of mind, along with some optional practice teaching for anyone who wants to incorporate more pranayama in their classes.

All curious folks are welcome. No specific yoga experience is required to participate in this immersion.

Cost: $240 (Handouts included)

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, YACEP has guided 100s of yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing cultural narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

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Foundations of Yin Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga in Washington DC
to Jan 12

Foundations of Yin Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga in Washington DC

  • Lighthouse Yoga Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday, January 11th 1:00-7:30pm
Sunday, January 12th 1:00-7:30pm

Yin Yoga utilizes muscularly relaxed poses, practiced on the floor, that are held for 3-5 minutes in order to safely and systematically stimulate chemical re-generative responses in tissues, particularly of fascia, ligaments, and within joint capsules. Through modest traction and compression, one trains the structural tissues to reduce the process of contracture that shortens tissues and can cause degeneration, adhesions, pain, and decreased range of motion. Yin Yoga's methodical and subtle approach provides lubrication, mobility, and a sense of lightness to the body's structure, energetics, and thus to the nervous system, the mind and emotions.  

This 13 hour training/personal-enrichment program is a valuable introductory exploration for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Yin Yoga practice for their own self-care, for teachers wanting to incorporate the basics of Yin Yoga wisely and safely into their class offerings, and for wellness practitioners looking to integrate Yin Yoga practices into their sessions.

Registered Yoga Teachers receive 12 CEUs for Yoga Alliance

Please note that this is not a Yin Yoga certification program but rather an immersion in to the foundations of Yin Yoga. Look for the 30 and 50 Hour Yin YTTs for certification. Registered yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance will earn 12 contact hours of continuing education credit (CEUS).

Topics of exploration: 

  • Theory and Practice of Yin Yoga - the science and practice behind Yin Yoga including:

    • the function of fascia - the “soft skeleton”

    • the biomechanics of range of motion and fascia’s roll in movement

    • how muscle vs ligament health must be approached fundamentally differently

    • how "exercising" structural tissue appropriately, through long held and modest tractions and compressions, fosters regenerative chemical responses for tissue health

    • primary physiological and psychological benefits of Yin Yoga on the nervous system

  • 7 foundational Yin Yoga poses, their variations, and their target areas to stimulate the tissues and joint capsules around the hips, sacrum/SI joints, low back, length of spine, and knees

  • Approaches to modify, adjust, and prop Yin Yoga postures in order to safely create practices that stimulate desired joint and fascia tissue for each individual’s needs and unique body structure

Cost: $250 (includes manual)

Founder of Roots & River Yoga, Machelle Lee has over 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher and massage therapist. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and is an E-RYT 500 with advanced studies yoga psychology. Machelle is a long time student of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga and who brought comparative anatomy in yoga asana to the forefront of modern yoga culture. 

Machelle guest lectures in YTT 200 and YTT 300 hour programs teaching anatomy, Yin Yoga theory and practice, and Meridian Theory of moving energy in asana practice.  Committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure, Machelle combines anatomy, storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory across a variety of yoga styles in a way that is aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Lighthouse Yoga Center is located at 502 Kennedy Street NW #2B Washington, DC 20011

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YOUR Body in Yoga : A Functional Anatomy Weekend with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center
1:00 PM13:00

YOUR Body in Yoga : A Functional Anatomy Weekend with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center

Functional Anatomy Weekend at Lighthouse Yoga Center

Sat. December 14th, 1:00-7:30pm (Upper Body and Spine)
Sun. December 15th 1:00pm-7:30pm (Sacrum and Lower Body)

“This training is a game changer for any yoga practitioner” ~Lynne Olson

Harshly judging one's range of motion is one of the greatest sources of unnecessary suffering in many people’s yoga practice. The poses in yoga are intended to be a method to move the regenerative and healing life force. To do that effectively in yoga, we must understand each of our own (or our students) unique structures and explore when we can move more deeply into a posture or when to acknowledge limitations with respect.

Although some restrictions in range of motion are related to tight muscles, and more are related to contracted fascia and ligaments, many significant limitations are actually due to variations in bone shapes and joint orientations that can differ dramatically from one person to the next. Understanding YOUR yoga anatomy is best learned through direct hands-on experience - testing your bones/joints and witnessing them curiously and compassionately to the bones of others.

This functional, comparative anatomy workshop explores the 14 major joint segments of the body that account for most of our yoga postures. For each joint intersection, we will perform bone analysis and range of motion tests on ourselves, compare with each other, and demonstrate how each varying joints will express itself in specific yoga postures.

Anatomy is a vast subject, but this interactive workshop reveals the basics in a way that clarifies and simplifies the yoga practice - putting the attention back where it belongs - how the key action of each pose makes you FEEL and moves the life force. In this workshop, participants often experience an “ah-ha” moment about their body and their practice, which can be powerfully liberating and self-accepting.

13 CEUs for Yoga Alliance

13 CEUs Available for Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance

This workshop is ideal for all yoga practitioners, whether one is a beginner or experienced student wishing to deepen their knowledge of their body in practice and for yoga teachers looking to expand their teaching and cueing.

$260 - Includes Manual and CEUs Certificate

Founder of Roots & River Yoga, Machelle Lee, has more than 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher and massage therapist. Learn more at our teacher bio site.

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From the Roots of Yoga: Introduction to Yoga History and Philosophy with Tara Lemerise
1:00 PM13:00

From the Roots of Yoga: Introduction to Yoga History and Philosophy with Tara Lemerise

Starting on the banks of the Ganges all the way to your sticky mat today, yoga concepts and practice have evolved as a long and rich tradition. Part history lesson, part philosophical inquiry, this workshop begins with a bird's eye view of the yoga history timeline and an introduction to philosophies of India that have the most influence on yoga today.

Tara will teach you about the four main pillars of yoga (ethics and duty, action and consequence, cycles, and freedom) and share some key concepts from The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutras and The Three Surviving Texts of Hatha Yoga. The only prerequisite is curiosity.

The Upanishads
Sometimes described as a metaphorical photo album of mystical experience, the common theme of these poetic writings is that the purpose of our human life is to discover the infinite and unchanging reality that is at the core of all things.

The Bhagavad Gita
This beloved and sacred ancient Hindu text translates the teachings of The Upanishads into a guidebook for spiritual self-discovery. You'll see many definitions of yoga offered in this text and we'll consider some of The Bhagavad Gita's essential questions. How can someone live a spiritually meaningful life without withdrawing from society? How can we make it through our struggle for self-mastery?

The Yoga Sutras
This text is arguably and somewhat inexplicably the most influential text to modern yoga. We will discuss how and why this has happened, the valuable insights The Yoga Sutras can offer us, and see where this text diverts from some of the foundational philosophies of yoga.

The Three Surviving Texts of Hatha Yoga
While some of today’s yoga practitioners have read The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, not many even know about the Shiva Samhita or the Gherand Samhita. Considered the most detailed original descriptions of postures, breath practices, symbolic hand gestures and energy locks, these writings are also full of contradictions and seemingly bizarre instructions. Even still, they offer us important insights into the traditional practices and purposes of Hatha Yoga.

3 CEUs provided to Certified Teachers through Yoga Alliance

The nature of our soul, the goal of yoga practice, distractions, obstacles, and what we can expect when we attain enlightenment… yoga's take on this is all here for your consideration. Tara's dynamic lecture style in this workshop makes complicated ideas and writings accessible and relevant to you and your yoga practice. Come till the soil at the ground of yoga to grow the seeds of your own practice!

The material in this workshop is suitable for curious yoga practitioners, aspiring and current yoga teachers. No previous study or familiarity with these texts is required. Expect mostly lecture/presentation with time for reflection and discussion, along with a comprehensive booklet and a recommended reading list for further study.

We will not be practicing any asana.
CEU's are available for yoga teachers registered with Yoga Alliance.

Cost: $60

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing cultural narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

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Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise
to Nov 17

Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise

  • Roots & River Yoga (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday, November 16th 12:00-6:00pm
Sunday, November 17th 12:00-6:00pm

Some of our deepest experiences of yoga happen when we have the opportunity to rest with support, awareness, and intention. Restorative Yoga is more than just adult nap time or an occasional indulgence. This immersive program will help you understand the profound impact of Restorative Yoga as a practitioner and/or a yoga teacher. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 12 continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

In this two-day program, we will explore:

  • The benefits, applications, and energetics of Restorative Yoga

  • Detailed alignment and propping instruction of Restorative Yoga postures -when/how to use props

  • How to address injuries and limitations during Restorative Yoga practice

  • Ways to identify physical and energetic misalignment in Restorative Yoga poses - skills for physical and verbal adjustments during Restorative Yoga practice

  • The benefits of compassion cultivation and its relationship to Restorative Yoga

  • How to lead Restorative Yoga practices in a variety of settings to a wide range of students

12 CEUs provided to Certified Teachers through Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • Those looking to learn and experience effective ways to calm the nervous system and reduce stress

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Therapists, teachers, parents looking to offer down-regulating practices to those they support

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, YACEP has guided 100s of yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing cultural narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

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Principles of Spiritual Leadership Virtual Workshop with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Principles of Spiritual Leadership Virtual Workshop with Hari-kirtana das

Are you ready to see how your yoga practice can transform you into a force for peace, justice, and prosperity for all? The Bhagavad Gita calls us to action, urging us to go beyond the solitary quest for personal liberation to serve a higher mission: fighting for the welfare of all living beings.

In this workshop, based on the third chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, we’ll delve into empowering principles of spiritual leadership. You’ll learn to lead without egoism, pierce through illusions, and exemplify impactful actions that inspire others.

Join us to step into your role as a spiritual leader and answer the world’s call for guidance and strength. Your journey to self-liberation through global service starts here.

Cost: $37

This series is offered online via Zoom. Join LIVE at class time or wait for the recording to enjoy at your own convenience.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance. Participants can get 1.5 hours of CE credit for Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers.

Hari-kirtana das is a yoga teacher, author, and mentor who guides people on journeys of self-discovery and personal transformation. A lifelong student of bhakti-yoga philosophy, Hari-kirtana has lived in devotional ashrams and intentional communities, worked for Fortune 500 companies and Silicon Valley start-ups, and brings a wide range of scriptural knowledge and life experience to his classes, workshops, and courses.

In addition to a lifetime of practice, Hari-kirtana has an 800-hour yoga teacher certification from the Jivamukti Yoga School and has been teaching yoga and meditation classes for the past 14 years. He's on the faculty of numerous Yoga Teacher Training programs, offers various workshops and courses throughout the year, and is a frequent contributor to forums and magazines about the enduring relevance of yoga’s ancient wisdom to life in the modern world.

You can learn more about Hari-kirtana by visiting his website: https://hari-kirtana.com/.

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Roots & River 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise and Machelle Lee
to Oct 2

Roots & River 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise and Machelle Lee

Roots & River 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Directed by Tara Lemerise and Machelle Lee

December 7, 2024 - May 18, 2025
10 Weekends + Some Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings

You are invited to join us in a transformative experience of studying the self in wholeness. Yoga is a gateway to depth and meaning and we are on a soul’s journey. The Roots & River 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) is an academically and spiritually designed curriculum that promotes and preserves the ancient wisdom and traditions of yoga while honoring and cultivating the application for the modern yogi.

Program directors and lead teachers, Tara Lemerise and Machelle Lee, have more than 50 years of combined yoga teaching experience and have curated a comprehensive program from their decades of personal practice and in-depth study. The Roots and River 200 Hour YTT curriculum meets and exceeds the requirements for yoga teacher certification and registration with the Yoga Alliance.  The learning environment includes lecture, on-the-mat practices, practical teaching experience, group discussion, and interactive activities. Although several yoga asana modalities and lineages will be explored, the emphasis is on well-rounded beginner, gentle and flow based Hatha Yoga with emphasis on Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga practices.

This 200 Hour YTT is for…

  • Dedicated students who wish to deepen their personal practice through immersion.

  • Those who want to broaden their base of yoga tradition, science, and psychology to inform  their personal practice or yoga teaching

  • Those who wish to become certified yoga teachers and eligible to register with Yoga Alliance.

  • Clinicians who want to incorporate yoga, meditation, spirituality, lifestyle practices, or breathwork into their practice.

    If you would like to schedule a phone or Zoom chat to talk more about the program, please reach out to info@RootsAndRiverYoga.com or call 240-938-8622.

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Virtual Series: Journey into the Bhagavad Gita with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Virtual Series: Journey into the Bhagavad Gita with Hari-kirtana das

The profound dialogue of the Bhagavad-gita stands as one of the most inspiring and intellectually stimulating conversations in the history of sacred literature. It’s also one of the most challenging to Western readers due to its distinct departure from the principles of modern science and traditional monotheism.To truly grasp the essence of the Bhagavad-gita, one must shift from the world’s perspective to the Gita’s vision, allowing its teachings to frame our understanding rather than fitting them into our pre-existing worldview.

This alignment isn’t about intellectual capability; it’s about adopting the right mindset. Instead of asking, “How can I interpret these concepts to fit into the modern world?” we should ponder, “How can these concepts help me understand the modern world?”

What if the Gita itself holds the key to its understanding, hidden in plain sight within its verses?

In this workshop, Hari-kirtana das will guide you through an exploration of the Gita using his new book, Journey Into The Bhagavad Gita. Through discussions, guided meditations, journaling, and personal experiments, you will discover:

  • The verses of the Gita that unlock the secrets to its teachings.

  • The importance of aligning with the Gita’s worldview to tap into its transformational potential, and practical steps to achieve this.

  • The subconscious modern or postmodern assumptions that hinder our understanding of the Gita, and how to overcome them.

  • The way the Gita’s radical spirituality provides a logical basis for contemporary spiritual activism.

  • How to integrate the Gita’s spiritual insights into your daily life.

Additionally, the workshop will feature kirtan (musical mantra meditation), ample time for Q&A, and post-workshop refreshments.

At its heart, the Bhagavad-gita addresses the crucial question: “How should we respond to the challenges we face as spiritual beings in the material world?” This workshop will delve into the Gita’s profound answers to this vital question.

Sundays @ 12:00 - 1:30 pm ET
September 8, 15, 29 | October 6, 20, 27 | November 10, 17

Saturdays @ 11:00 am ET
October 12 and November 2

Cost: $247/8-part series

This series is offered online via Zoom. Join LIVE at class time or wait for the recording to enjoy at your own convenience.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance. Participants can get 14 hours of CE credit for Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers.

Hari-kirtana das is a yoga teacher, author, and mentor who guides people on journeys of self-discovery and personal transformation. A lifelong student of bhakti-yoga philosophy, Hari-kirtana has lived in devotional ashrams and intentional communities, worked for Fortune 500 companies and Silicon Valley start-ups, and brings a wide range of scriptural knowledge and life experience to his classes, workshops, and courses.

In addition to a lifetime of practice, Hari-kirtana has an 800-hour yoga teacher certification from the Jivamukti Yoga School and has been teaching yoga and meditation classes for the past 14 years. He's on the faculty of numerous Yoga Teacher Training programs, offers various workshops and courses throughout the year, and is a frequent contributor to forums and magazines about the enduring relevance of yoga’s ancient wisdom to life in the modern world.

You can learn more about Hari-kirtana by visiting his website: https://hari-kirtana.com/.

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 Using Our Breath: Vāyu, Prānāyāma, and Mantra with Tara Lemerise
10:00 AM10:00

Using Our Breath: Vāyu, Prānāyāma, and Mantra with Tara Lemerise

Yoga is ultimately about managing energy or life force, known in Sanskrit as prāṇa. Energy is our capacity to do physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual work. Sometimes we need to expand our capacity to store up energy for later, stockpiling for the future. Other times we intentionally release and direct energy for a specific purpose. 

So how can we change the patterns of use and storage of our energy when we feel off kilter?

6.5 CEUs with Yoga Alliance

Yoga offers us a number of ways to do this. While posture work is the most familiar, prānāyāma and mantra are some of the most deeply powerful but underused and misinterpreted practices of yoga. If you are ready to expand your knowledge of yoga beyond the poses, this workshop is for you! In lecture, you will learn about prāṇa and the vāyu (internal "winds") and how we use our breath in words, sounds, and phrases to invoke and reinforce certain qualities and energy, followed by breathwork practices and mantra work. You'll discover first hand how and why prānāyāma and mantra are natural partners with meditation.

Cost: $130

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

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YOUR Body in Yoga : A 12 Hour Functional Comparative Anatomy Weekend with Machelle Lee
to Mar 10

YOUR Body in Yoga : A 12 Hour Functional Comparative Anatomy Weekend with Machelle Lee

“This training is a game changer for any yoga practitioner”
~Lynne Olson, Yoga Studio Owner

  • Saturday, March 9th, 12:30pm-6:30pm (Upper Body and Spine)

  • Sunday, March 10th, 12:30pm-6:30pm (Sacrum and Lower Body)

Harshly judging one's range of motion is one of the greatest sources of unnecessary suffering in many people’s yoga practice. The asanas (poses) are intended to be a method to move the regenerative and healing life force. To do that effectively in yoga, we must understand each of our own (or our students) unique structures and explore when we can move more deeply into a posture or when to acknowledge limitations with respect.

Although some restrictions in range of motion are related to tight muscles, and more are related to contracted fascia and ligaments, many significant limitations are actually due to variations in bone shapes and joint orientations that can differ dramatically from one person to the next. Understanding YOUR yoga anatomy is best learned through direct hands-on experience - testing your bones/joints and witnessing them curiously and compassionately to the bones of others.

This functional, comparative anatomy workshop explores the 12 major joint segments of the body that account for most of our yoga postures. For each joint intersection, we will perform bone analysis and range of motion tests on ourselves, compare with each other, and demonstrate how each varying joints will express itself in specific yoga postures.

12 CEUs Available for Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance

Anatomy is a vast subject, but this playful, interactive workshop reveals the basics in a way that clarifies and simplifies the yoga practice - putting the attention back where it belongs - how the key action of each pose makes you FEEL and moves the life force. In this workshop, participants often experience an “ah-ha” moment about their body and their practice, which can be powerfully liberating and self-accepting.

This workshop is ideal for all yoga practitioners, whether one is a beginner or experienced student wishing to deepen their knowledge of their body in practice and for yoga teachers looking to expand their teaching, cueing.

Cost: $280 (includes manual)

Machelle has 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and has completed a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. Machelle has cultivated a therapeutic approach through Yin Yoga that weaves together yogic teachings with modern scientific research on tissue rehabilitation, traditional medicine, and psychology. This approach to the whole person aids one in feeling and understanding the bodymind connection both somatically and intellectually.

Machelle is committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure and combines storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory in a way that is always aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

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The Yoga Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise
to Mar 27

The Yoga Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise

5 Week Online Series
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm
February 28th - March 27th

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have arguably become the most influential text to modern yoga. But why? You've seen these pithy lines as captions on instagram posts but what does this text REALLY say about yoga as a philosophy, practice, and lifestyle? The ethical guidelines of yoga, the end goal of yoga practice, distractions and the obstacles, and what we can expect when near enlightenment… It’s all here! Join The Yoga Sutras Book club to read and discuss all of this and more! You'll feel right at home with your fellow nerdy, curious, and kind-hearted seekers in fun, deep, lively discussions of this seminal text.

9 CEUs (5 Contact Hours, 4 Non-Contact Hours)

Please purchase this version:
The Yoga Sutras translated by Alistair Shearer

You do not need to read anything before our first session.

Cost: $90

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

The Zoom link for these gatherings will be emailed to you one (1) hour before each class.

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Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion and Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise (12 CEUs)
to Jan 21

Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion and Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise (12 CEUs)

Saturday, January 20th 1:00-7:00pm AND
Sunday, January 21st 1:00-7:00pm

Some of our deepest experiences of yoga happen when we have the opportunity to rest with support, awareness, and intention. Restorative Yoga is more than just adult nap time or an occasional indulgence. This immersive program will help you understand the profound impact of Restorative Yoga as a practitioner and/or a yoga teacher. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 12 continuing education hours (CEUs) with Yoga Alliance.

In this two-day program, we will explore:

  • The benefits, applications, and energetics of Restorative Yoga

  • Detailed alignment and propping instruction of Restorative Yoga postures -when/how to use props

  • How to address injuries and limitations during Restorative Yoga practice

  • Ways to identify physical and energetic misalignment in Restorative Yoga poses - skills for physical and verbal adjustments during Restorative Yoga practice

  • The benefits of compassion cultivation and its relationship to Restorative Yoga

  • How to lead Restorative Yoga practices in a variety of settings to a wide range of students

12 CEUS with Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Anyone currently enrolled in an immersion or yoga teaching training program

Cost: $280 (includes manual)

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

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The Bhagavad Gita Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise
to Feb 7

The Bhagavad Gita Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise

5 Week Online Series
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm
January 10th - February 7th

How can we live a spiritually meaningful life without withdrawing from society and our family obligations? How do we make it through our struggles for self-mastery? These are the essential questions posed in the beloved and sacred ancient Hindu scripture known as The Bhagavad Gita. Sometimes criticized for contradicting itself, this insightful text appeals to seekers of all sorts, assuring us that yoga takes different forms for different people. Join Tara for this online book club to read and unpack all of the beauty and profound wisdom in this text that will deepen your understanding of yoga.

9 CEUs (5 Contact Hours, 4 Non-Contact Hours

Please purchase this version:
Bhagavad Gita translated by Stephen Mitchell

You do not need to read anything before our first session.

Cost: $90

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

The Zoom link for these gatherings will be emailed to you one (1) hour before each class.

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The Radiance Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise
7:00 PM19:00

The Radiance Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise

4 Week Online Series
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00pm
November 28th - December 19th

Fondly known as “The 112 Gateways to the Yoga of Wonder and Delight”, The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra or The Radiance Sutras provides us with an alternative to the philosophy and meditation practices in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Rather than suppress the turnings of the mind and deny our desires, this text invites us to access divinity in our embodiment as the key to finding lasting peace. This text assures us that it is possible to find freedom from our sufferings via normal human experiences such as breathing, falling asleep and waking up, being in nature, and making love.

Join us to explore the beauty of these verses that encourage you to befriend the whole of your human experience as a pathway to enlightenment.

Please purchase this version:
The Radiance Sutras translated by Lorin Roche

You do not need to read anything before our first session.

Cost: $90

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.

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CEUs with Machelle Lee Will Return in Early 2024
5:30 PM17:30

CEUs with Machelle Lee Will Return in Early 2024

If you are looking for continuing education opportunities in Yin Yoga or Comparative Anatomy by me, Machelle Lee, My CEU offerings will be back in early 2024. As some of you know, my husband and I purchased an 8000 sq ft commercial building that we have been remodeling over the year+. The Newberry is in the heart of historic downtown Brunswick and 4000 sq ft will become the new home of Roots & River Yoga in January 2024. The rest of the building will house 5 other businesses! You can follow our progress at https://www.facebook.com/renovatingthenewberry/.

I will be adding 2024 CEU offerings soon. In the meantime, check out the great CEU experiences that Tara Lemerise is hosting at Roots & River Yoga in the coming months. Visit the website from time to time or join our email list for studio announcements.

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30 Hour Yin Yoga Immersion: Science and Psychology of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee
to Apr 16

30 Hour Yin Yoga Immersion: Science and Psychology of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee

Can be taken as a Personal Immersion or

Immersion dates:

  • Sat/Sun March 18th and 19th 1:00-6:30pm

  • Sat/Sun April 1st and 2nd 1:00-6:30pm

  • Sat/Sun April 15th and 16th 1:00-6:30pm

Machelle Yin Yoga Training -57 -_Z7N4546.jpeg

Yin Yoga's quiet practice has been Machelle's passion and special focus for 18 years, though she has been teaching for 30 years. In 1997, Machelle was introduced to meridian theory through the 200 hours of Shiatsu training she took within her broader massage therapist training. In her own practice and in group classes, she began to teach how yoga asanas stimulate energetic meridian lines through acupressure/tension in the poses. Machelle discovered Yin Yoga in 2004 and immediately recognized it as a powerful tool for physical and emotional self-care through its long, slow approach to connective tissue, fascia and meridians lines. She experienced first hand the joint ease and the somatic shift in her body/psyche energies and has matured with this practice through the years. In 2004 Machelle sought out to study with Paul Grilley, who developed and named this unique approach "Yin Yoga," and she has been a student of Paul’s ever since.

Yin Yoga utilizes muscularly relaxed poses on the floor that are held for longer periods of time (3-5+ minutes typically) in order to safely and systematically stimulate chemical re-generative responses in tissues, particularly of fascia, ligaments, and within joint capsules. Through modest traction and compression, one trains the structural tissues to reduce the process of contracture that shortens tissues and can cause degeneration, adhesions, pain, and decreased range of motion. Yin Yoga's methodical and subtle approach provides lubrication, mobility, and a sense of lightness and well being to the body's structure, energetics, and to the mind.  

This training/personal enrichment program is a valuable in-depth exploration for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Yin Yoga practice for their own self-care, and for teachers/wellness practitioners wishing to incorporate Yin Yoga wisely and safely into their class offerings or recommendations.

Topics of exploration include: 

Machelle Yin Yoga Training -25 -_Z7N3731.jpg
  • History of Yin Yoga and its influence from Chinese Taoism and traditional Chinese medicine, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and the lineage of modern teachers who informed and mentored Paul Grilley and his development of the therapeutic approach that he named "Yin Yoga.”

  • Joining of an East meets West approach to the body/mind balance

  • Theory and Practice of Yin Yoga - the science and application of Yin Yoga including:

    • the function of the “soft skeleton” of fascia/connective tissue

    • the biomechanics of range of motion, fascia’s roll in movement

    • how "exercising" structural tissue appropriately, through long held and modest tractions and compressions, fosters a chemical response for tissue health

    • Physiological and psychological benefits of Yin Yoga

  • Functional anatomy exploring 10 muscles groups and 14 skeletal joint segments

  • Comparative anatomy - how normal skeletal variations affect range of motion and principles of individual alignment

  • Essential repertoire of Yin Yoga poses and transitions

  • Approaches to modify, adjust, and prop Yin Yoga postures in order to safely create practices for each individual to stimulate desired joint tissue or energy lines

  • Foundations of Sequencing Yin Yoga

  • Introduction to science and psychology of meridian theory, the study of the body's energy system as intertwined with fascia, and how the practice of Yin Yoga influences meridians, organ health, and psychological well being. This is expanded upon more in the freestanding 20 hour training, Science and Psychology of Meridian Theory in Yin Yoga

    Registered yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance
    can earn 30 contact hours of continuing credit hours.

This training is ideal for:

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to expand their teaching knowledge and skills

  • Yoga students who are interested in deepening their personal practice and exploring the theory and application of Yin Yoga for self-care

  • Physical therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists or health care practitioners looking to suggest home practices for their clients

Cost: $600


  • 30 Contact Hours

  • Comprehensive Manual

  • Access to private facebook group to share yin-sights with your peers

  • Certificate of Completion


Registered yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance can earn 30 contact hours of continuing credit hours.

Photo by Tad Achey

Machelle Lee, MA, E-RYT 500, CMT, YACEP, 

Founder of Roots & River Yoga Studio, Machelle has 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and earn a 300 hour advanced certification in yoga psychology. Machelle is a long time student of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga and who brought comparative anatomy in yoga asana and considerations of ligament and fascia to the forefront of modern yoga culture. 

Machelle leads teacher trainings at her studio and is a guest presenter in YTT 200 and YTT 300 hour programs. She specializes in Functional Anatomy, Yin Yoga Theory and Practice, and the Science and Psychology of Five Element Meridian Theory. She is known for her humor-filled way of transforming complex ideas into accessible information, offering students simple tools to approach their practice and their life with authenticity and meaning-making. 

Committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure, Machelle combines anatomy, storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and meridian theory across a variety of yoga styles in a way that is aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development. This approach to the whole person aids one in feeling the bodymind connection both intellectually and somatically.

What People Are Saying

In over 20 years of yoga practice and teaching, having worked with many yoga teachers across the country, including several who are nationally recognized, I consider Machelle Lee to be one of the very best. She understands and conveys clearly the physical aspects of yoga, as well as important information from essential allied areas that include a wide range of philosophical, psychological, and historical disciplines. I always leave Machelle’s classes a better yoga practitioner and teacher and, I hope, a better person for the experience. I recommend her kind, attentive, and wise instruction to anyone and everyone—as the students who take class with me, and many people who don’t, will attest. ~ Frank, Yoga Teacher, Olney, MD

Having observed and studied with quite a variety of yoga teachers, I would say Machelle Lee stands out in the breadth and depth of her knowledge, the warmth and accessibility with which she teaches, the humor and humility she brings to her teaching, and her deep appreciation of the variety of students’ body types and psychological make-up.  She engenders the trust, enthusiasm and loyalty of a very wide range of yoga students and teachers. ~ Stephanie, Yoga Teacher, Silver Spring, MD

Thank you so very much for an incredible experience!  I found the Yin Yoga training to be full of exciting new knowledge.  It has truly changed the way I will cue asanas, it has also changed my own yoga practice. ~ Vee, Yoga Teacher, Frederick, MD

It was an enlightening experience to learn how to incorporate Yin Yoga into my teaching practice from Machelle Lee. Her extensive knowledge provides a wealth of relevant and detailed information.  The depth and breadth of the program far exceeded my expectations. ~ Jodi, Yoga Teacher, Virgina

I have had the privilege of attending many classes, workshops, and teacher trainings skillfully led by Machelle Lee. Her welcoming studio in Brunswick provides a safe container for deep exploration and joyful self-discovery. Machelle takes a personal interest in each of her students and shares her vast wealth of knowledge and experience generously. I leave her offerings with improved skills as a yoga teacher and as a human being. My only complaint is that I am always thirsting for more!  ~Nancy, Yoga Teacher, Olney, MD

Cancelation/Refund Policy - Cancelations 14 days or more before the training will receive a full refund minus $50 administrative fees. Cancelations 7-13 days before the training will receive 1/2 tuition back. Cancelations less than 6 days or less before the training starts will not receive a refund but will be eligible for future use credit. No refunds or studio credits are given for missed days in the training though make up hours can be arranged for up to 5 hours.

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YOUR Body in Yoga: A Functional Anatomy Immersion with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center in Washington, DC
to Mar 12

YOUR Body in Yoga: A Functional Anatomy Immersion with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center in Washington, DC

  • Lighthouse Yoga Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“This training is a game changer for any yoga practitioner” ~Lynne Olson, Yoga Studio Owner

Saturday, March 11th 1:00-7:30pm(Upper Body and Spine)
Sunday, March 12th 1:00-7:30pm (Sacrum and Lower Body)


Harshly judging one's range of motion is one of the greatest sources of unnecessary suffering in many people’s yoga practice. The asanas (poses) were designed to move the regenerative and healing life force. To do that effectively in yoga, we must understand our own (or our students') unique structures and explore when we can safely move deeply into a posture or when to acknowledge limitations with respect.

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Although some restrictions in range of motion are related to tight muscles, and more are related to contracted fascia and ligaments, many significant limitations are actually due to variations in bone shapes and joint orientations that can differ dramatically from one person to the next. Understanding YOUR anatomy in yoga is best learned through direct hands-on experience - testing your bones/joints and witnessing them curiously and compassionately to the bones/joints of others.


This functional anatomy workshop explores the 10 muscle groups and the 14 major joint segments of the body that account for most of our yoga postures. For each joint intersection, we will perform analysis and range of motion tests on ourselves, ask specific questions about the key sensations, compare with each other, and demonstrate how each person will express particular poses based on their unique anatomic make up.


Anatomy is a vast subject, but this interactive workshop reveals the basics in a way that clarifies and simplifies the yoga practice - putting the attention back where it belongs - how the key action of each pose makes you FEEL and moves the life force. Participants often experience an “ah-ha” moment about their body and their practice, which can be powerfully liberating and self-accepting.

This workshop is ideal for all yoga practitioners, whether one is a beginner or experienced student wishing to deepen their knowledge of their body in practice, or one is a yoga teacher looking to expand their teaching and cueing.


13 CEUs for Teachers registered with Yoga Alliance

13 CEUs Available for Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance

Cost: $260 (includes digital manual)

Founder of Roots & River Yoga, Machelle has 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and has earned a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. 

Machelle leads teacher trainings at her studio and is a guest presenter in YTT 200 and YTT 300 hour programs. She specializes in Functional Anatomy, Yin Yoga Theory and Practice, and the Science and Psychology of Five Element Meridian Theory in Yoga. She is known for her humor-filled way of transforming complex ideas into accessible information, giving students simple tools to approach their practice and their life with authenticity and meaning-making. 

Committed to serving in a way that meets the each persons' unique personality and physical structure, Machelle has created an innovated fusion of anatomy, neuroscience, psychology, storytelling, archetypes, poetry, breathwork, and Chinese medicine that is weaved through various styles of asana practice and aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Lighthouse Yoga Center is located at
502 Kennedy Street NW #2B Washington, DC 20011

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Master Class: Restorative Yoga and Pranayama with Carrie Dennison
1:00 PM13:00

Master Class: Restorative Yoga and Pranayama with Carrie Dennison

Learn how to share the gift of slowing down for yourself and your students. Create a space to stop working to control bodymind and rest with support, awareness, and intention. This deep, conscious rest is possible with Restorative Yoga. This practice can support overwhelm and exhaustion, aid in injury recovery, and support overall health. Integrating pranayama in these restful shapes, we work with the nervous system to develop resiliency in the face of day-to-day stress.

When given the opportunity for deep and purposeful rest, we can experience what caring for ourselves really feels like as we create a space to be still, be quiet, listen inward, and be held. This is where the healing can happen!  

In this immersion you will:

  • Learn prop set up of at least three (3) Restorative Yoga postures and various types of savasanas 

  • Learn three (3) breath techniques to help the body prepare for rest

  • Explore prop set up with various different body types

  • Learn when and how to use yoga props to initiate a relaxation response

  • Understand the benefits and energetics of Restorative Yoga postures

  • Experience a practice of deep rest led by Carrie

  • This Immersion is open to ALL, and yoga teachers can earn 5 CEUs if registered with Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • new and experienced yoga teachers who want to broaden their teaching skills

  • practitioners who experience resistance when it is time to take savasana

  • anyone currently enrolled in yoga teaching training program or who has completed a yoga teacher training program

Cost: $80

Your facilitator, Carrie Dennison has been immersing herself in these practices and teachings of Restorative Yoga for the past 7 years. She is a registered E-RYT with Yoga Alliance. Carrie has discovered the importance of self-care to bring attention to the busy parts of life to find a slower pace and more moments of peace.  In sharing the practice of restorative yoga and pranayama as a tool for activating the parasympathetic nervous system, there is an innate ability to decrease stress and anxiety and live a more full life.

Carrie’s credentials include Yogamour Trauma-Informed Yoga Training, Rest for All Restorative Yoga with Tara Lemerise, Reiki Master Training with Irene Glasse and Yin Yoga  Certification with Machelle Lee.

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Science and Psychology of Meridian Theory in Yin Yoga  with Machelle Lee (20 CEUs available)
to Dec 4

Science and Psychology of Meridian Theory in Yin Yoga with Machelle Lee (20 CEUs available)

  • Saturday/Sunday, November 19th and 20th, 1:00-6:30pm

  • Saturday/Sunday, December 3rd and 4th, 1:00-6:30pm

Most every wisdom tradition in history describes life’s existence as being animated by a vital, yet invisible, source. In Eastern traditions, from which some of our earliest scientific health systems arose, this primordial energy is described as a force moving through all living systems and our own body tissues via pathways called meridians (Chinese Taoist system) or nadis (Indian system). These meridians account for thousands of tributaries or streams of energy moving through connective tissue that support our physical organs and promote psychological well-being. 

In this immersion, we explore 12 major organ meridian pathways and discuss their basic physical function and psychological association. Special focus will be placed on the modern biological science and chemistry of meridian lines within fascia. We will consider what times of the day and seasons of the year organ energy is renewing and benefit from conscious support. Students will learn to tune into the body’s “voice” as it expresses its balance or need for attention through somatic cues such as taste cravings, sleep/awake patterns, body aches or ease, over/under active senses, voice quality and distinct emotions.

In a mix of lecture, group discussion and practice, we will utilize Yin Yoga poses, sequences, an pressure points that are designed specifically to stimulate the organ pathway, acting as a form of self-acupressure or self-acu-tension in order to consciously support a healthier organ/ meridian system and a grounded psycho-spiritual sense of wellbeing. 

Cost: $400 (includes manual)



Founder of Roots & River Yoga Studio, Machelle has 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and earn a 300 hour advanced certification in yoga psychology. Machelle is a long time student of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga and who brought comparative anatomy in yoga asana to the forefront of modern yoga culture. 

Machelle leads teacher trainings at her studio and is a guest presenter in YTT 200 and YTT 300 hour programs. She specializes in Functional Anatomy, Yin Yoga Theory and Practice, and the Science and Psychology of Five Element Meridian Theory. She is known for her humor-filled way of transforming complex ideas into accessible information, giving students simple tools to approach their practice and their life with authenticity and meaning-making. 

Committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure, Machelle combines anatomy, storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and meridian theory across a variety of yoga styles in a way that is aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Cancelation/Refund Policy - Cancelations 14 days or more before the training will receive a full refund minus $50 administrative fees. Cancelations 7-13 days before the training will receive 1/2 tuition back. Cancelations less than 6 days or less before the training starts will not receive a refund but will be eligible for future use credit. No refunds or studio credits are given for missed days in the training though make up hours can be arranged for up to 5 hours.

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One Love 20 Hr Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training with Ryah Dekis (In-Studio or Online Attendance)
to Oct 3

One Love 20 Hr Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training with Ryah Dekis (In-Studio or Online Attendance)

Training Dates:

  • Friday, November 11th 3:00-8:00pm

  • Saturday, November 12th 1:00-7:00pm

  • Sunday, November 13th 1:00-7:00pm

This 20 hour Prenatal Yoga intensive is a base to equip you with greater knowledge, confidence and an overall understanding of appropriate asanas (postures), meditative practices and more for the expectant woman. Over the training weekend, you will learn the basic art of guiding and teaching women through their pregnancy along with preparation for birth and beyond.

One Love Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training is an informative and practical intensive. Through this unique and well rounded immersion you will learn ways and means to facilitate and support prenatally. The combination of alignment based poses, esoteric wisdom and evidence based information will safely and confidently guide you, to teach yoga to women during all stages of pregnancy.

This training is ideal for:

  • Certified Yoga teachers

  • Yoga Teachers looking to earn CEUs

  • Women’s Health Professionals

  • Labor and Birth Educators

  • Doulas

  • Yoga Students who want to empower their pregnancy and birth or support someone they love

20 CEU with Yoga Alliance: 17 contact hours over the weekend plus 3 non-contact hours with a home assignment and private Zoom consultation with Ryah.

This training can be attended either in-studio or online LIVEstream. Recording options will be considered.

Cost: $425 includes digital manual

Please Bring to Class:

  • Notebook and writing tool

  • Yoga Mat

  • 2 Yoga Blocks

  • Yoga Bolster (Huggermugger brand is recommended)

  • Yoga Strap

  • Two Blankets or Beach Towels

  • Optional Eye Pillow

    *Roots & River has these yoga props for use in studio for free OR in our boutique if you choose to purchase*

Ryah Dekis is a Momma of two, E-RYT 500, RPYT, AYS, YACEP, Reiki Master, and a Fertility, Labor, Postpartum Doula. She the owner of Nectar and Nurture Yoga (RYS and RPYS), Nectar & Nurture Ayurveda & Wellness and is the creator of "Natural Mystic” organic Reiki infused products and Baltic Amber jewelry. A spirited women's health educator, self-care specialist and couples birth workshop leader, Ryah he’s been passionate and purposeful in the Prenatal Yoga world for over 15 years. Ryah a proud member of The International Childbirth Education Association providing CEUs for Doulas, and of Yoga Alliance, providing CEUs for Yoga teachers.

Cancelation/Refund Policy - Cancelations 14 days or more before the training will receive a full refund minus $50 administrative fees. Cancelations 7-13 days before the training will receive 1/2 tuition back. Cancelations less than 6 days or less before the training starts will not receive a refund but will be eligible for future use credit. No refunds or studio credits are given for missed days/hours in the training, though make up hours and recordings can be arranged.

For online attendance, the Zoom link will arrive to your inbox 1 HOUR before training day starts.

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Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Yogamour in Frederick, MD
1:00 PM13:00

Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Yogamour in Frederick, MD

  • Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga utilizes floor poses held for 3-5 minutes each in order to modestly, within limits, target and stimulate fascia and ligaments through traction and compression. This basic introduction to Yin Yoga theory and its simple repertoire of poses is self-empowering for the support and physical therapy of the ligaments that make up joint capsules and the fascia network of the low back, spine, hips, sacrum, knees and ankles. In this workshop, the foundational principles of Yin Yoga will be discussed as well as the chemical responses that occur in the joints based on modern tissue regeneration research of why Yin Yoga is so uniquely therapeutic and rehabilitative to the joints. 

This workshop is great for those who are curious about how this approach can aid their joints and fascia, teachers who are interested in incorporating Yin Yoga principles into their classes, and for those who are hankering for a decadently long Yin Yoga practice.

3 CEUS Available for Yoga Alliance

All are welcome. No previous yoga experience needed.

Cost: $60

Machelle has 29 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and has completed a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. With over 11,000 hours of teaching experience, Machelle has cultivated a therapeutic approach through Yin Yoga that weaves together yogic teachings with modern scientific research on tissue rehabilitation, traditional medicine, and psychology. This approach to the whole person aids one in feeling and understanding the bodymind connection both somatically and intellectually. Machelle is committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure and combines storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory in a way that is always aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Yogamour Yoga and Healing Arts Center is located at 1 Worman's Mill Ct, Suite 11 Frederick, MD

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Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center in Washington, DC
2:00 PM14:00

Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center in Washington, DC


Yin Yoga utilizes floor poses held for 3-5 minutes each in order to modestly, within limits, target and stimulate fascia and ligaments through traction and compression. This basic introduction to Yin Yoga theory and its simple repertoire of poses is self-empowering for the support and physical therapy of the ligaments that make up joint capsules and the fascia network of the low back, spine, hips, sacrum, knees and ankles. In this workshop, the foundational principles of Yin Yoga will be discussed as well as the chemical responses that occur in the joints based on modern tissue regeneration research of why Yin Yoga is so uniquely therapeutic and rehabilitative to the joints. 

This workshop is great for those who are curious about how this approach can aid their joints and fascia, teachers who are interested in incorporating Yin Yoga principles into their classes, and for those who are hankering for a decadently long Yin Yoga practice.

3 CEUs Available for Yoga Teachers who are Registered with Yoga Alliance

3 CEUs Available for Yoga Alliance

3 CEUs Available for Yoga Alliance

All are welcome. No previous yoga experience needed.

Cost: $59


Machelle has 29 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and has completed a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. With over 11,000 hours of teaching experience, Machelle has cultivated a therapeutic approach through Yin Yoga that weaves together yogic teachings with modern scientific research on tissue rehabilitation, traditional medicine, and psychology. This approach to the whole person aids one in feeling and understanding the bodymind connection both somatically and intellectually. Machelle is committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure and combines storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory in a way that is always aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Lighthouse Yoga Center is located at 502 Kennedy Street NW #2B Washington, DC 20011

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12 Hour Foundations of Yin Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee
to Apr 10

12 Hour Foundations of Yin Yoga Personal Immersion/Teacher Training: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee

Saturday, April 9th 1:00-7:00pm

Sunday, April 10th 1:00-7:00pm

Yin Yoga utilizes muscularly relaxed poses, practiced on the floor, that are held for 3-5 minutes in order to safely and systematically stimulate chemical re-generative responses in tissues, particularly of fascia, ligaments, and within joint capsules. Through modest traction and compression, one trains the structural tissues to reduce the process of contracture that shortens tissues and can cause degeneration, adhesions, pain, and decreased range of motion. Yin Yoga's methodical and subtle approach provides lubrication, mobility, and a sense of lightness to the body's structure, energetics, and thus to the nervous system, the mind and emotions.  

This 12 hour training/personal enrichment program is a valuable introductory exploration for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Yin Yoga practice for their own self-care, for teachers wanting to incorporate the basics of Yin Yoga wisely and safely into their class offerings, and for wellness practitioners looking to integrate Yin Yoga practices into their sessions.

Registered Yoga Teachers receive 12 CEUs for Yoga Alliance

Please note that this is not a Yin Yoga certification program but rather an immersion in to the foundations of Yin Yoga. Look for the 50 Hour Yin YTT in Fall 2022 for certification. Registered yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance will earn 12 contact hours of continuing education credit (CEUS).

Topics of exploration: 

  • Theory and Practice of Yin Yoga - the science and practice behind Yin Yoga including:

    • the function of fascia - the “soft skeleton”

    • the biomechanics of range of motion and fascia’s roll in movement

    • how muscle vs ligament health must be approached fundamentally differently

    • how "exercising" structural tissue appropriately, through long held and modest tractions and compressions, fosters regenerative chemical responses for tissue health

    • primary physiological and psychological benefits of Yin Yoga on the nervous system

  • 6 foundational Yin Yoga poses, their variations, and their target areas to stimulate the tissues and joint capsules around the hips, sacrum/SI joints, low back, length of spine, and knees

  • Approaches to modify, adjust, and prop Yin Yoga postures in order to safely create practices that stimulate desired joint and fascia tissue for each individual’s needs and unique body structure

Cost: $250 (includes manual)

Founder of Roots & River Yoga Studio, Machelle has 29 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and has completed a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. Machelle is a long time student of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga and who brought comparative anatomy in yoga asana to the forefront of modern yoga culture. 

Machelle guest lectures in YTT 200 and YTT 300 hour programs teaching anatomy, Yin Yoga theory and practice, and Meridian Theory of moving energy in asana practice.  Committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure, Machelle combines anatomy, storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory across a variety of yoga styles in a way that is aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Cancelation Policy: Cancelations 2+ weeks before event will receive a full refund minus $30 administrative fees. Cancelations 2-13 days before will receive 50% refund. Cancelations within 24 hours or no-shows will not be refunded or given studio credit.

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The Forgotten Core of Neck and Shoulders: A Masterclass in Pain Relief with Physical Therapist, Christine Koth (Attend In-Studio or Virtual)
1:00 PM13:00

The Forgotten Core of Neck and Shoulders: A Masterclass in Pain Relief with Physical Therapist, Christine Koth (Attend In-Studio or Virtual)

Muscle tension and weakness in the primary core of the lower trunk and hips is important. However, under-appreciated is the role of tension in the secondary core of the neck and shoulders. Chronic tension in this core can result in headaches, migraines, reduced range of motion, jaw challenges, rotator cuff issues, neck and shoulder pain as well as difficulty sleeping. These issues may temporarily respond to massage or other modalities but if the root of the problem isn’t addressed, the pain quickly returns.

As a physical therapist in private practice for over 20 years, Christine Koth discovered a common pattern in almost everyone of her clients who experienced neck and shoulder pain - tension in the pectoralis muscles as well as the tiny muscles that connect the head to the neck. She honed methods of releasing this tension with her fingers and found it was the only way to resolve her clients’ headaches, shoulder issues and upper back and neck pain. Christine went on a mission to develop a self-release program and a specific tool (the NUCKLE) to empower others to experience pain relief and greater overall well being.

In this masterclass, Christine will take participants on a deep dive into the anatomy of the neck and shoulders. You will explore straight forward and practical techniques for releasing tension by using common tools like a tennis or lacrosse ball, a common sock and a hand-towel. You will also be introduced to the NUCKLE as a truly innovated tool that perfectly targets the difficult task of releasing tension at the base of the head, chest, upper back and more.

2.5 Continuing Credit Hours are available for Yoga Teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance

Level up your understanding of neck and shoulder health and how to recover from chronic tension or injury through specific fascia release techniques for your own self-care routine or to integrate into the programs that you offer your clients.

This workshop is ideal for:

2.5 Continuing Credit Hours are available for Yoga Teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance

  • Anyone experiencing tension or pain in neck, shoulders and upper back

  • Yoga Teachers looking for meaningful tools to support their students and earn continuing credit hours (CEUS) with Yoga Alliance

  • Physical Therapist and Bodyworkers who want practical and accessible tips for assisting their clients

Supplies needed for this workshop:

A Yoga Mat

2 Tennis, Racquetballs OR Lacrosse Balls

A Sock

A Hand-towel

Optional: NUCKLE

This workshop is being offered in-studio and online simultaneously. Those attending in studio - tennis balls will be provided, please bring your own sock and hand-towel. Those attending online will need to have these props available for home use.

COST: $75

2.5 Continuing Credit Hours are available for Yoga Teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance

Christine Koth, MPT, is the bestselling author of the book Tight Hip, Twisted Core: The Key to Unresolved Pain, CEO/Cofounder of Aletha Health, and inventor of both the Hip Hook and the NUCKLE. With over 20+ years of clinical practice as a holistic physical therapist, her years of research into the iliacus muscle has led her to develop the Un:Tight Method, focused on reducing muscle tension in the primary and secondary core. Visit Christine’s website to learn more.

If you would would like to have the The NUCKLE tool for this workshop - You can purchase it HERE - Please order at least 10 days prior to the workshop to ensure that it arrives to you in time. If purchasing the Nuckle - Use the code MACHELLELEE to receive 10% off your order.

Please note the you do not need to purchase the NUCKLE to participate and benefit from this masterclass. Effective techniques will be given with the balls , sock and hand-towel as well. You will learn more about the NUCKLE in the workshop and those attending LIVE in the studio will get the opportunity to try it out.

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Tight Hip, Twisted Core - A Masterclass in Pain Relief with Physical Therapist, Christine Koth (Attend In-Studio or Virtually)
1:00 PM13:00

Tight Hip, Twisted Core - A Masterclass in Pain Relief with Physical Therapist, Christine Koth (Attend In-Studio or Virtually)

Are you or your students navigating daily or reoccurring pain in the hips and low back? It is likely your hip flexors, the psoas and iliacus, that are the culprits. The hip flexors connect the upper body to the lower body and almost everyone has issues here, whether they know it or not. These deep core muscles influence the stability and function of the spine, pelvis, and hips. Muscle imbalances here can throw off one’s ability to fully participate in the activities of everyday living. While some people are somewhat familiar with the psoas’ role in structural pain and may know poses or exercises that affect it, few understand the power of releasing its sister muscle, the iliacus. Unlocking the iliacus is the missing piece to progression. 

After working as a physical therapist in private practice for decades, Christine Koth began to see a pattern emerging. Tightness in the iliacus from too much time sitting, overuse in athletics, or for some, being too flexible, was causing problems that manifest all over the body. After mastering how to release the iliacus of her clients through hands on manipulation, Christine went on a mission to develop a self-release program and a specific tool (the Hip Hook) to empower others to experience pain relief and greater overall well being.

In this masterclass, Christine will take participants on a deep dive into the anatomy and the impact of the hip flexors, and in particular, the iliacus and its role in structural health. You will explore straight forward and practical techniques for releasing tension using common tools like a yoga block and a tennis or lacrosse ball. You will also be introduced to the Hip Hook as a truly innovated tool that perfectly targets the difficult task of releasing the iliacus.

Level up mobility, strength, imbalance, and injury recovery by mastering the iliacus in your self-care routine or the programs you offer your clients.

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Anyone experiencing structural pain particularly in the hips and low back, but also in spine, pelvic floor, knees, and feet

  • Yoga Teachers looking for meaningful tools to support their students and earn continuing credit hours (CEUS) with Yoga Alliance

  • Physical Therapist and Bodyworkers who want practical and accessible tips for assisting their clients

Supplies needed for this workshop:

A Yoga Mat

1 Yoga Block

1 Tennis, Racquet ball or Lacrosse Ball

A 4 inch exercise ball or the Hip Hook

2.5 Continuing Credit Hours are available for Yoga Teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance

This workshop is being offered in-studio and online simultaneously. Those attending in studio - all props listed above will be provided unless you prefer to bring your own and/or purchase the Hip Hook. Those attending online will need to have these props available for home use.

COST: $75

2.5 Continuing Credit Hours are available for Yoga Teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance

Christine Koth, MPT, is the bestselling author of the book Tight Hip, Twisted Core: The Key to Unresolved Pain, CEO/Cofounder of Aletha Health, and inventor of both the Hip Hook and the NUCKLE. With over 20+ years of clinical practice as a holistic physical therapist, her years of research into the iliacus muscle has led her to develop the Un:Tight Method, focused on reducing muscle tension in the primary and secondary core. Visit Christine’s website to learn more.

If you would would like to have a Hip Hook for this workshop - You can purchase it HERE - Please order at least 10 days prior to the workshop to ensure that it arrives to you in time.

Use the code MACHELLELEE to receive 10% off your order. Please note the you do not need to purchase the Hip Hook to participate and benefit from this masterclass. Techniques will be given with the balls and block as well. You will learn more about the Hip Hook in the workshop and those attending LIVE in the studio will get the opportunity to try it out.

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Tight Hip, Twisted Core: A Masterclass in Pain Relief with Physical Therapist, Christine Koth
3:00 PM15:00

Tight Hip, Twisted Core: A Masterclass in Pain Relief with Physical Therapist, Christine Koth

Are you or your students navigating daily or reoccurring pain in the hips and low back? It is likely your hip flexors, the psoas and iliacus, that are the culprits. The hip flexors connect the upper body to the lower body and almost everyone has issues here, whether they know it or not. These deep core muscles influence the stability and function of the spine, pelvis, and hips. Muscle imbalances here can throw off one’s ability to fully participate in the activities of everyday living. While some people are somewhat familiar with the psoas’ role in structural pain and may know poses or exercises that affect it, few understand the power of releasing its sister muscle, the iliacus. Unlocking the iliacus is the missing piece to progression. 

After working as a physical therapist in private practice for decades, Christine Koth began to see a pattern emerging. Tightness in the iliacus from too much time sitting, overuse in athletics, or for some, being too flexible, was causing problems that manifest all over the body. After mastering how to release the iliacus of her clients through hands on manipulation, Christine went on a mission to develop a self-release program and a specific tool (the Hip Hook) to empower others to experience pain relief and greater overall well being.

In this masterclass, Christine will take participants on a deep dive into the anatomy and the impact of the hip flexors, and in particular, the iliacus and its role in structural health. You will explore straight forward and practical techniques for releasing tension using common tools like a yoga block and a tennis or lacrosse ball. You will also be introduced to the Hip Hook as a truly innovated tool that perfectly targets the difficult task of releasing the iliacus.

Level up mobility, strength, imbalance, and injury recovery by mastering the iliacus in your self-care routine or the programs you offer your clients.

This workshop is ideal for:

5 Continuing Credit Hours are available for Yoga Teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance

  • Anyone experiencing structural pain particularly in the hips and low back, but also in spine, pelvic floor, knees, and feet

  • Yoga Teachers looking for meaningful tools to support their students and earn continuing credit hours (CEUS) with Yoga Alliance

  • Physical Therapist and Bodyworkers who want practical and accessible tips for assisting their clients

Supplies needed for this workshop:

A Yoga Mat

1 Yoga Block

1 Tennis or Lacrosse Ball

A 4 inch exercise ball or the Hip Hook

This workshop is being offered in-studio and online simultaneously. Those attending in studio - all props listed above will be provided unless you prefer to bring your own and/or purchase the Hip Hook. Those attending online will need to have these props available for home use.

COST: $125

5 Continuing Credit Hours are available for Yoga Teachers who are registered with Yoga Alliance

Christine Koth, MPT, is the bestselling author of the book Tight Hip, Twisted Core: The Key to Unresolved Pain, CEO/Cofounder of Aletha Health, and inventor of both the Hip Hook and the NUCKLE. With over 20+ years of clinical practice as a holistic physical therapist, her years of research into the iliacus muscle has led her to develop the Un:Tight Method, focused on reducing muscle tension in the primary and secondary core. Visit Christine’s website to learn more.

If you would would like to have a Hip Hook for this workshop - You can purchase it HERE - Please order at least 10 days prior to the workshop to ensure that it arrives to you in time.

Use the code MACHELLELEE to receive 10% off your order. Please note the you do not need to purchase the Hip Hook to participate and benefit from this masterclass. Techniques will be given with the balls and block as well. You will learn more about the Hip Hook in the workshop and those attending LIVE in the studio will get the opportunity to try it out.

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12 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Uplift Yoga in Olney, MD
to Oct 24

12 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Uplift Yoga in Olney, MD

Saturday, October 23rd and Sunday, October 24th 1:00-7:00pm

Yin Yoga utilizes muscularly relaxed poses, practiced on the floor, that are held for 3-5 minutes in order to safely and systematically stimulate chemical re-generative responses in tissues, particularly of fascia, ligaments, and within joint capsules. Through modest traction and compression, one trains the structural tissues to reduce the process of contracture that shortens tissues and can cause degeneration, adhesions, pain, and decreased range of motion. Yin Yoga's methodical and subtle approach provides lubrication, mobility, and a sense of lightness to the body's structure, energetics, and thus to the nervous system, the mind and emotions.  

This 12 hour training/personal enrichment program is a valuable introductory exploration for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Yin Yoga practice for their own self-care, for teachers wanting to incorporate the basics of Yin Yoga wisely and safely into their class offerings, and for wellness practitioners looking to integrate Yin Yoga practices into their sessions.

Registered yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance will earn 12 contact hours of continuing education credit (CEUS).

Topics of exploration: 

  • Theory and Practice of Yin Yoga - the science and practice behind Yin Yoga including:

    • the function of fascia - the “soft skeleton”

    • the biomechanics of range of motion and fascia’s roll in movement

    • how muscle vs ligament health must be approached fundamentally differently

    • how "exercising" structural tissue appropriately, through long held and modest tractions and compressions, fosters regenerative chemical responses for tissue health

    • primary physiological and psychological benefits of Yin Yoga on the nervous system

  • 6 foundational Yin Yoga poses, their variations, and their target areas to stimulate the tissues and joint capsules around the hips, sacrum/SI joints, low back, length of spine, and knees

  • Approaches to modify, adjust, and prop Yin Yoga postures in order to safely create practices that stimulate desired joint and fascia tissue for each individual’s needs and unique body structure

Cost: $280 (includes manual)

Founder of Roots & River Yoga Studio, Machelle has 28 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and has completed a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. With more than 11,000 hours of yoga teaching experience, Machelle is a long time student of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga and who brought comparative anatomy in yoga asana to the forefront of modern yoga culture. 

Machelle guest lectures in YTT 200 and YTT 300 hour programs teaching anatomy, Yin Yoga theory and practice, and Meridian Theory of moving energy in asana practice.  Committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure, Machelle combines anatomy, storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory across a variety of yoga styles in a way that is aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Uplift Yoga is located at 3411 Olandwood Ct. Suite 205 Olney, MD 20832 410-616-3372

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Introduction to Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Uplift Yoga in Olney, MD
1:00 PM13:00

Introduction to Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Uplift Yoga in Olney, MD


Yin Yoga utilizes floor poses held for 3-5 minutes each in order to modestly, within limits, target and stimulate fascia and ligaments through traction and compression. This basic introduction to Yin Yoga theory and its simple repertoire of poses is self-empowering for the support and physical therapy of the ligaments that make up joint capsules and the fascia network of the low back, spine, hips, sacrum, knees and ankles. In this workshop, the foundational principles of Yin Yoga will be discussed as well as the chemical responses that occur in the joints based on modern tissue regeneration research of why Yin Yoga is so uniquely therapeutic and rehabilitative to the joints. 


This workshop is great for those who are curious about how this approach can aid their joints and fascia, teachers who are interested in incorporating Yin Yoga principles into their classes, and for those who are hankering for a decadently long Yin Yoga practice.

3 CEUS Available for Yoga Alliance

All are welcome. No previous yoga experience needed.

Cost: $55

Machelle has 28 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology and has completed a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. With over 11,000 hours of teaching experience, Machelle has cultivated a therapeutic approach through Yin Yoga that weaves together yogic teachings with modern scientific research on tissue rehabilitation, traditional medicine, and psychology. This approach to the whole person aids one in feeling and understanding the bodymind connection both somatically and intellectually. Machelle is committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure and combines storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory in a way that is always aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

Uplift Yoga is located at 3411 Olandwood Ct. Suite 205 Olney, MD 20832 410-616-3372

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Your Body in Yoga - Experiential Comparative Anatomy  with Machelle Lee at Uplift Studio in Olney, MD  (12 CEUs)
to Apr 25

Your Body in Yoga - Experiential Comparative Anatomy with Machelle Lee at Uplift Studio in Olney, MD (12 CEUs)

Saturday, April 24th 12:00-6:00pm

Sunday, April 25th 12:30-6:30pm

At Uplift Yoga in Olney, MD



Harshly judging body range of motion is one of the greatest sources of unnecessary suffering in most people’s yoga practice. Although some challenges in postures are related to tight muscles and more is related to contracted fascia and ligaments - many significant limitations are actually due to variations in bone shapes and joint orientations that can differ dramatically from one person to the next.

Understanding YOUR yoga anatomy is best learned through direct hands on experience - testing your bones/joints and witnessing them curiously and compassionately to the bones of others. 

This comparative anatomy workshop explores major joints of the body that account for most of our yoga postures. For each joint intersection, we will perform bone range of motion tests on ourselves and on each other and then demonstrate how each varying joint will express itself in specific yoga postures. 


Anatomy is a vast subject, but this playful, interactive workshop reveals the basics in a way that clarifies and simplifies the yoga practice - putting the attention back where it belongs - how the key action of each pose makes you FEEL and moves the life force. In this workshop, participants often experience an “ah-ha” moment about their body and their practice, which can be powerfully liberating and self-accepting. 


This workshop is great for beginners and experienced practitioners alike!

12 CEUs Available for Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance

Cost: $280 for Full Weekend and Includes Manual


Machelle Lee (MA, E-RYT 500, CMT, YACEP ) is the founder of Roots & River Yoga Studio in Brunswick, MD. Machelle has 29 years of experience as a yoga teacher, massage therapist, and childbirth educator. She holds a Masters Degree in Mythology and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and has completed a 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training in yoga psychology. With more than 11,000 hours of yoga teaching experience, Machelle is a long time student of Paul Grilley, founder of Yin Yoga and who brought comparative anatomy in yoga asana to the forefront of modern yoga culture. 

Machelle guest lectures in YTT 200 and YTT 300 hour programs teaching anatomy, Yin Yoga theory and practice, and Meridian Theory of moving energy in asana practice. Committed to serving students in a way that best fits their unique abilities and anatomic structure, Machelle combines anatomy, storytelling, archetypes, poetry, neuroscience, psychology, and Five Element Meridian Theory across a variety of yoga styles in a way that is aimed at facilitating a creative and grounded approach to self-development.

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Rest for All: 50 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training  with Tara Lemerise
to Mar 21

Rest for All: 50 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise

This teacher training/personal immersion will be offered in-studio and online simultaneously. Participants may choose to either attend In-Studio at Roots & River Yoga (up to 6 participants due to Covid-19 guidelines) or Online LIVE via Zoom (up to 20 participants)


Training Dates - 5 Weekends:

  • Sat/Sun February 27th and 28th, 1:00-6:00pm

  • Sat/Sun March 6th and 7th, 1:00-6:00pm

  • Sat/Sun March 27th and 28th, 1:00-6:00pm

  • Sat/Sun April 10th and 11th, 1:00-6:00pm

  • Sat/Sun April 24th and 25th, 1:00-6:00pm


Some of our students’ deepest experiences of yoga happen when we can give them the opportunity to stop working to control their body and mind and instead help them rest with support, awareness, and intention. The deep, purposeful kind of resting possible with restorative yoga can eliminate fatigue, expedite recovery from injuries, ease experiences of anxiety, and develop resistance to the impact of stress on physical and mental health, among other things. This teacher training will provide the tools you need to teach restorative poses with confidence and ease, both in a group setting and to one-on-one clients.

This 50 hour module is a combination of practice, lecture, hands on exploration, and practice teaching

You will learn:

  • History of Restorative Yoga 

  • The relationship of Restorative Yoga to the broader offerings of modern yoga in the West

  • The physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of Restorative Yoga

  • The function and components of the nervous system and the physiological responses of relaxation

  • Benefits, applications, and energetics of  Restorative Yoga postures

  • When and how to use the appropriate props to initiate a relaxation response and support the physical, emotional and energetic bodies of students

  • How to address injuries, limitations, and special conditions during Restorative Yoga practice

  • Ways to identify physical and energetic misalignment in Restorative Yoga poses

  • Skills for physical and verbal adjustments during Restorative Yoga practice

  • Principles of sequencing a Restorative Yoga class 

  • Theming and other class planning strategies

  • Introduction to breath techniques and mantras relevant to Restorative Yoga


This training is ideal for:

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to expand their teaching skills

  • Anyone interested in deepening their personal practice or understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • Wellness practitioners looking to incorporate yoga recommendations into their services


Upon completion, Registered Yoga Teachers will receive a certificate and are eligible for 50 contact hours of CEUs through Yoga Alliance.

Cost: $850 Includes:

  • 50 Contact Hours

  • Comprehensive Manual

  • Certificate of completion

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200, is known for offering clear, light-hearted, and encouraging instruction to students of all levels. Tara has a deeply calming way of teaching Restorative Yoga and brings a strong understanding of anatomy to all of her classes, which helps her students understand and appreciate their bodies in new ways. From restorative postures to arm balances and everything in between, Tara encourages her students to tune in to their body’s messages and she helps them seek out the delight in each moment, even the challenging ones. Students leave feeling more joyful and more at ease after each class.


After completing her first teacher training in 2005 at Willow Street Yoga Center, Tara went on to complete Restorative Yoga teacher training certificates with Judith Hason Lasater, Jillian Pransky, and Cyndi Lee. Since 2014, Tara has been leading "Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training" based on what she has learned from all of these wise Restorative Yoga teachers, as well as her own 7,000+ hours of teaching experience.

What People Are Saying


"Tara Lemerise’s Rest For All Restorative Training is incredibly comprehensive. She covers everything an instructor needs to lead a well sequenced restorative class, from anatomy and why we need restorative yoga to setting up poses with props to how to sequence and even offered music selections. Not only does she make it informative and interesting but fun as well! It was time well spent!" -Rosemary Fatovic

"This teacher training was great! One of my favorite things I learned was how to guide people to sit with their own feelings that come up during a restorative practice instead of telling them how to feel and telling them to clear their mind. I like the idea of letting them sit with whatever comes up and just trying to make them feel as safe and comfortable with props during that process." -Carrie Dennison

"Tara has a vibrant, playful spirit that infuses her teaching and makes her an engaging trainer. Her extensive background in various styles of hatha yoga serves to inform and support the deep rest for both body and mind provided in a restorative pose. There was time for instruction, discussion and a manual was provided to facilitate note taking as needed. We were able to work as partners or groups of three both to experience and to practice providing each other assistance to find the most comfort in the poses. This is a training well worth taking." -Mary Lou Middleton

"Tara’s Restorative Teacher Training was thoughtful, engaging, and enlightening, with the perfect balance of discussion and practice. Her materials are informative and easy to use and the training structure started us off learning and propping restorative postures and ended with us planning and leading our own restorative class. I am so glad to have taken this training to deepen my own understanding and practice of restorative yoga and to be able to share it with my students!" –Tracy Buro

"This was such a magnificent training. I truly loved every moment of it and learned so much. Tara’s teaching style is tremendously effective. I would highly recommend it to any teacher looking to diversify and add to their yoga teacher toolkit." -Stephanie Crane

Cancelation/Refund Policy: Cancelations 15 days or more before the training will receive a full refund minus $50 administrative fees. Cancelations 7-14 days before the training will receive 1/2 tuition back. Cancelations less than 6 or less days before the training starts will not receive a refund but will be eligible for future use credit. No refunds or studio credits are given for missed days in the training though make up hours can be arranged for up to 5 missed hours.

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