Breathing and Resting with Carrie Dennison and Alicia Barmon
2:30 PM14:30

Breathing and Resting with Carrie Dennison and Alicia Barmon

Join Alicia and Carrie in sacred community to breathe, rest, and align with your true self. The intention of this monthly gathering is to offer a soft place to land in the complexity of life.

In this afternoon practice, you will be guided into gentle breathwork followed by Restorative Yoga - a practice of breathing your way into being. There will be time for reflecting, journaling and optional sharing.

After our practice, we'll share some light snacks, refreshments and conversation.

“There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human - in not having to be just happy or just sad - in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time.” - C. JoyBell C.

Breathwork is best practice with a relatively empty stomach. It is recommended to not eat 2 hours before the class, if possible.

Bring a journal, pen and your tender hearts.

No yoga experience is required. If you looking for a safe space to connect with yourself and others, this practice is for you.

Cost: $40

You will be held with exquisite care by your guides Alicia Barmon and Carrie Dennison.

As a devotee of the breath and a weaver of inter-being, Alicia roots deep and expands wide to support the letting down from the pressured grip of dominant culture into the soft lap of compassion.

As a yoga teacher and Reiki Master, and student of Somatic Experiencing, Carrie uses rest as an antidote to the stress-related symptoms we experience from our fast-paced culture. She creates a soft and safe space while guiding her students into the array of gifts that stillness has to offer.

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NEW WEEKLY IN-STUDIO CLASS: Total Fitness - Cardio and Tone with Rick Reid
5:30 PM17:30

NEW WEEKLY IN-STUDIO CLASS: Total Fitness - Cardio and Tone with Rick Reid

Total Fitness is a low impact and super upbeat class that consists of music-guided cardio sequence, followed by balance routines, training with light weights, core exercises and then finishes with floor stretches. The sessions are structured to give the student a total body workout combining aerobic and strength disciplines that is kind to the joints and accessible to people of all age groups. 

Total Fitness - Cardio and Tone will be offered in-studio
every Wednesday from 5:30-6:45pm starting March 5th using a studio class pass or membership.

Learn more about Rick on our teacher bio page

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Night Hike - Full Worm Moon with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich
6:30 PM18:30

Night Hike - Full Worm Moon with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich

Photo by Tom Simpson

As the setting sun fades into the horizon and the moonlit sky emerges, you will be guided towards self-reflection during this 2-mile out-and-back hike up to Weverton Cliffs Overlook.

Enjoy tea and snacks at the top as we take in the views of the Potomac River. Then settle into the healing vibrations of singing bowls and Koshi Chimes. After hiking down, we will gather under the full moon for our final reflections.

Participants should wear/bring: 

  • Hiking poles are recommended (we will have some to lend)

  • Small backpack

  • Headlamp or small flashlight (with red light if you have one)

  • Several comfortable layers

  • Warm hat and gloves

  • Hiking or sturdy comfortable shoes

  • Water bottle and/or insulated mug

Cost: $38

Learn more about Lauren and Suzanne at our teacher bio page.

Meeting spot:

More information on the exact location will be sent the day before the event.

Space is Limited.
Pre-Registration by Friday, March 7th is Required.

If you are planning on coming - please fill out this
information form/waiver, otherwise, Lauren and Suzanne will email you this to fill out before the event.

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Experiential Yoga Philosophy: How to Connect Spiritual Ideas to Real Life with Hari-kirtana das
10:00 AM10:00

Experiential Yoga Philosophy: How to Connect Spiritual Ideas to Real Life with Hari-kirtana das

Traditional yoga wisdom often feels out of reach—esoteric ideas, rigorous practices, and lofty goals that seem disconnected from our everyday experiences. But what if we could use these teachings to navigate the challenges we face each day?

The purpose of yoga wisdom isn’t meant to be far removed from reality; it’s meant to be lived. In this workshop, we’ll answer the question, “How can I transform yoga’s theoretical teachings into knowledge I can apply in my life?”

This workshop is for yoga enthusiasts who are ready to go beyond the surface and directly engage with the practical aspects of yoga philosophy. Over the course of our session, we’ll explore six essential teachings from the yoga wisdom tradition and learn how to apply each one in our personal, professional, social, and family lives. You’ll gain practical insights and tools to integrate this wisdom into your daily tasks and interactions—moving from knowledge to experience, one small step at a time.

Make yoga philosophy a lived experience! Join us to discover how ancient teachings can bring clarity and transformation to your life in a way that’s personal, practical, and relevant.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Cost: $35

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

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Online Wisdom Workshop: Reconstructing a Conception of God with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: Reconstructing a Conception of God with Hari-kirtana das

The best way to recover from the trauma that dogmatic and extreme religious experiences can cause isn’t to deconstruct your way out of “magical thinking” to acceptance of an atheistic worldview; it’s to rationally reconstruct your conception of a Supreme Being and your idea of what kind of relationships are possible with such a Being. 

Our faith in a Supreme Being—or our absence of faith—is shaped entirely by our idea of who or what God is. If your idea of God has been tied to judgment, fear, or rejection, it’s no wonder that reconnecting can feel impossible.

But just as our conceptions of God are shaped, they can also be reshaped.

What if you could use the power of critical thinking to rebuild your conception of Divinity?

And what if that new and different understanding of Divinity could open the door to healing the wounds of religious trauma and reawakening your sense of wonder and connection?

This is the terrain we’ll explore in Reconstructing a Conception of God, a 90-minute non-sectarian adventure in reconceptualizing Divinity that’s designed for anyone who has struggled to reconcile their longing for spiritual connection with the negativity of their past experiences with religion.

Wherever you’re starting from, this workshop will meet you there. Together, we’ll engage in a simple but powerful exercise: imagining the greatest, most complete, and wonderful being we can conceive—a Supreme Being so expansive, inclusive, and complete that a relationship with such a Being would feel like coming home. Using principles of logic and reason along with resources from the yoga wisdom tradition, we’ll dive into a guided group exploration of what a safe, loving, and deeply meaningful conception of God might look like—and ask ourselves if it’s reasonable to believe that such a Being exists.

This workshop is both a space for healing and a space for philosophical inquiry. It’s about honoring the experiences that brought you here—including the painful ones—while opening the door to a new way of relating to Divinity.

You’ll leave this workshop with:

  • A personal and inspiring vision of what attributes and qualities a truly Supreme Being would realistically have.

  • The confidence to explore a relationship with Divinity in a way that feels safe and empowering.

  • A sense of relief that it’s possible to reconcile your spiritual longing with your lived experience—on your own terms.

his workshop will be a safe, judgment-free space where you can ask big questions and explore the possibilities without fear of rejection or dogmatic declarations. Whether you’ve felt burned by religion, long for spiritual connection but don’t know where to start, or simply want to reconnect with your sense of wonder, this workshop is for you.

Are you ready to explore the possibility that a Supreme Being you would feel inspired to engage with exists? Let’s find out together.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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Full Moon Gathering: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison
6:00 PM18:00

Full Moon Gathering: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison

The Crow Moon celebrates the first signs of nature coming to life again. The crows start to use their voice more, earthworms begin to emerge from the ground, and robins are singing their songs. We are invited to start to emerge from the quieter times of winter with qualities of curiosity and exploration. 

Full Moon Gatherings offer space to connect with the community, experience gentle movement, settle into meditation practices, and get clear on our intentions for the next lunar cycle. Each month's gathering offers gentle, accessible practices. Depending on the inspiration and energy, we will utilize practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong, and/or other self-care rituals.

The full moon is a powerful time to set intentions for releasing, culmination, or achieving emotional clarity. Celebrating full moons is a great way to honor our own fullness and wholeness while we receive the wisdom for what is yet to unfold.

No previous yoga experience required.

Cost: $25

Learn more about Carrie at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Foundations of Tai Chi with Cain Yentzer
5:00 PM17:00

Foundations of Tai Chi with Cain Yentzer

8 Week Series
March 17th - May 5th
Mondays 5:00-6:00pm

This introductory class is designed to provide a solid foundation in the fundamental postures of Tai Chi. Thirteen postures, divided into 8 Forces and 5 Steps, form the building blocks for more complex Tai Chi forms.

Class Goals:

  • Learn and understand the basic movements and principles of the 13 postures.

  • Develop proper body alignment and posture for Tai Chi practice.

  • Cultivate a sense of internal energy and flow.

  • Improve balance, flexibility, and coordination.

  • Explore the meditative aspects of Tai Chi.

Class Format:

  • Warm-up exercises to prepare the body for practice.

  • Guided instruction and demonstration of each of the 13 postures.

  • Practice drills and combinations to reinforce understanding.

  • Q&A session for clarification and discussion.

Cost: $144 (8 week series)

Cain Yentzer is an expert in the science and practice of Tai-Chi. First educated as a teenager in Washington D.C. at the Great River Taoist Center under Scott Rodell, he later moved to the Republic of China to study under Master Wang Yan-Nian at the National Tai-Chi Ch’uan Association. Yentzer lived in the Republic of China for 15 years where established his school Inner Court Tai-Ji. He returned in recent years to teach Tai-Chi to Americans. His greatest pleasure is helping others find true healing and inner peace. You can learn more about Cain on his website.

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Spring Equinox Sound Bath Healing with Heather
7:00 PM19:00

Spring Equinox Sound Bath Healing with Heather

The Spring, or Vernal Equinox is an astronomical event that has been honored in some form in every nation and culture since ancient times. The word Equinox is derived from the Latin aequus meaning equal and nox meaning night. Thursday, March 20 at 5:01am ET marks the moment when the sun sits directly over the Earth’s equator as it moves northward, ushering the northern hemisphere into the season of spring.

Honor the Spring Equinox with Heather in an evening cultivating stillness, peace and ritual through sound healing.

Sound healing creates an environment where your body can relax, release and receive. As your body is immersed in vibrations from crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, rattles and chimes, you enter into a deep state of rest and rejuvenation. These sacred frequencies interact with your energy field, your chakras are cleansed of imbalances and activated with divine love. You attune to the healing frequencies which facilitates the release of subconscious wounds and allows for deep cellular nourishment.

Sound healing reduces physical and emotional stress as well as pain and mind chatter. It helps those who struggle with traditional meditation, as the harmonic sounds help to turn off your thinking brain and guide you into a deep brainwave state where healing and insights can arise. Sound baths are a powerful way to align, uplift and enliven yourself!

Cost: $30

Learn more about Heather at our teacher bio page.

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Reiki Share with Judy Buchanan
7:00 PM19:00

Reiki Share with Judy Buchanan

A Reiki Share is a great opportunity for trained practitioners to come together in a caring community in order to exchange services. This gathering will be facilitated by seasoned Reiki Master and mentor, Judy Buchanan. Providers can hone their skills and share their knowledge while building confidence and sharing time with like-minded people. 

Everyone in the group will have an opportunity to both receive and give heart-centered Reiki energy. One person will rest on the massage table while one to four practitioners provide a short Reiki session. Following, there will will be time allotted to share feedback and insights regarding the experience. Afterwards, practitioners will rotate until all have been a provider and a receiver of healing energy.

To attend - participants must have a minimum of Reiki one, the first level of Reiki training and attunement. Reiki practitioners of ALL levels and abilities are welcome. You do not need to be well practiced. Equally, no matter how experienced you are, there's always more to learn from each other and to build community.

Cost: $30

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YOUR Body in Yoga : Functional Anatomy Immersions with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD
1:00 PM13:00

YOUR Body in Yoga : Functional Anatomy Immersions with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD

Functional Anatomy Immersions at UpLift Yoga

Sat. March 29th, 1:00-6:30pm (Upper Body and Spine)
Sat. April 12th, 1:00pm-6:30pm (Sacrum and Lower Body)

“This training is a game changer for any yoga practitioner”
~Lynne Olson

Harshly judging one's range of motion is one of the greatest sources of unnecessary suffering in many people’s yoga practice. The poses in yoga are intended to be a method to move the regenerative and healing life force. To do that effectively in yoga, we must understand each of our own (or our students) unique structures and explore when we can move more deeply into a posture or when to acknowledge limitations with respect.

Although some restrictions in range of motion are related to tight muscles, and more are related to contracted fascia and ligaments, many significant limitations are actually due to variations in bone shapes and joint orientations that can differ dramatically from one person to the next. Understanding YOUR yoga anatomy is best learned through direct hands-on experience - testing your bones/joints and witnessing them curiously and compassionately to the bones of others.

This functional, comparative anatomy workshop explores 10 major joint segments of the body that account for most of our yoga postures. For each joint intersection, we will perform bone analysis and range of motion tests on ourselves, compare with each other, and demonstrate how each varying joints will express itself in specific yoga postures.

Anatomy is a vast subject, but this interactive workshop reveals the basics in a way that clarifies and simplifies the yoga practice - putting the attention back where it belongs - how the key action of each pose makes you FEEL and moves the life force. In this workshop, participants often experience an “ah-ha” moment about their body and their practice, which can be powerfully liberating and self-accepting.

11 CEUs Available for Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance

This workshop is ideal for all yoga practitioners, whether one is a beginner or experienced student wishing to deepen their knowledge of their body in practice and for yoga teachers looking to expand their teaching and cueing.

Cost: $250 for Both Sessions or $150 per Single Session

Includes Manual and CEUs Certificate

Founder of Roots & River Yoga, Machelle Lee, has more than 30 years of experience as a yoga teacher and massage therapist. Learn more at our teacher bio site.

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Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Immersion with Tara Lemerise
to Mar 30

Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Immersion with Tara Lemerise

Saturday, March 29th 1:00-6:00pm AND
Sunday, March 30th 1:00-6:00pm

Pranayama - the breath practices of yoga - is one of the most deeply powerful but underused and misinterpreted set of yoga tools. Despite being identified as one of the limbs of yoga in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and in other yoga texts, most yoga classes and even 200 hour teacher training programs do not spend much time, if any, on this important and impactful aspect of yoga.

If you are seeking a deeper engagement with the subtle energy body, some experiential anatomy including a deeper understanding of the nervous system, and some inspiration to advance your yoga practice and/or teaching, this immersion is your opportunity to expand your yoga experience beyond the postures. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 10 continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

This two-day 10-hour immersion includes the following:

  • History and purpose of pranayama

  • The framework for the movement of energy in Hatha Yoga, known as the vayu

  • Anatomy of the nervous system, respiratory system, and circulatory system

  • Practice with the foundational pranayama techniques, as well as several of their variations

10 CEUs available to instructors who are registered with Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Anyone currently enrolled in an immersion or yoga teaching training program

You will also have the opportunity to explore the accessible and powerful approaches to meditation that naturally evolve from pranayama practices. You will learn the history of meditation and learn the appropriate way to use mala beads to support your practice.

Each session includes some asana to prepare you to sit comfortably, lecture, reflection, and discussion. We will have ample time to practice with the breath and the inner workings of mind, along with some optional practice teaching for anyone who wants to incorporate more pranayama in their classes.

All curious folks are welcome. No specific yoga experience is required to participate in this immersion.

Cost: $240 (Handouts included)

Learn more about Tara at our Teacher Bio Page.

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New Moon Ritual: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon Ritual: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison

The Pink Moon is named for the pops of colors that come along with the first blooms of spring. This beautiful energy of renewal paints the natural world with the tulip buds, green velvety landscapes, and animals emerging from the depths of wintertime. Within our own bodies, we are beginning to experience the beautiful anticipation of manifestations that we rested upon during winter coming to life so we enjoy the blessings that come along with them.

New Moon Rituals offer space to connect with the community, experience gentle movement, settle into meditation practices, and get clear on our intentions for the next lunar cycle. Each month's gathering offers gentle, accessible practices. Depending on the inspiration and energy, we will utilize practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong, and/or other self-care rituals.

New moons remind us to check in with the parts of ourselves that are expanding and the areas of our lives that are experiencing new beginnings. In yogic philosophy, one big obstacle to letting go of suffering is what lives in our unconsciousness. As the new moon begins in darkness, we can use stillness, rest and meditation to explore the parts of us that are in the shadows to bring us into our own light.

No previous yoga experience required.

Cost: $25

Learn more about Carrie at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Joint Care and Conscious Rest Yin and Restorative Day Retreat with Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise
1:00 PM13:00

Joint Care and Conscious Rest Yin and Restorative Day Retreat with Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise

Day retreats create a meaningful pause to step out of the day to day responsibilities and reset. Through yoga practices and community connection Machelle and Tara invite you to join us in creating a sacred space to wind down slowly and deeply pause to reveal calm, clarity, and joy. 

In this day-retreat, Tara and Machelle will co-lead a full-body, gentle yoga practice to untangle tension in the body and the mind.  Machelle will then guide you through a nurturing Yin Yoga practice designed for the support of the joints, ligaments, and fascia of the shoulders, low back, sacrum and spine while reading mediative texts to soothe your soul.  

After a break, Tara will guide you in winding down even more through a series of propped Restorative Yoga poses. With calming music and very little talking, Restorative Yoga consists of doing less in order to receive more. The practice soothes the nervous system, quiets the mind, and releases deeply held tension within the body in a completely passive way. 

The combination Gentle Yoga, Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga will move progressively into a profoundly relaxing afternoon to remember the gift of who you are a little more clearly!  

After our long afternoon practice, we will hold an optional POTLUCK at the studio from 5:30-8:00pm for some time to talk, laugh, and foster communication connection. Dishes to share can be brought to the studio to stay cool in our fridge or warmed in the microwave.

Cost: $75

Learn more about Tara and Machelle at our Roots & River Yoga Teacher Bio Page.

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Enchanted Hike Under the Full Pink Moonlight with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich
6:30 PM18:30

Enchanted Hike Under the Full Pink Moonlight with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich

As the setting sun fades into the horizon and the moonlit sky emerges, you will be guided towards self-reflection during this 2-mile out-and-back hike up to Weverton Cliffs Overlook.

Photo by Tom Simpson

Enjoy tea & snacks at the top as we take in the views of the Potomac River. Then settle into the soothing vibrations of singing bowls and Koshi Chimes. After hiking down, we will gather under the full moon for our final reflections.

Participants should wear/bring: 

  • Hiking poles are recommended (we will have some to lend)

  • Small backpack

  • Headlamp or small flashlight (with red light if you have one)

  • Several comfortable layers

  • Warm hat and gloves

  • Hiking or sturdy comfortable shoes

  • Water bottle and/or insulated mug

Cost: $38

Learn more about Lauren and Suzanne at our teacher bio page.

Meeting spot:

More information on the exact location will be sent the day before the event.

Space is Limited.
Pre-Registration by Thursday, April 10th is Required.

If you are planning on coming - please fill out this
information form/waiver, otherwise, Lauren and Suzanne will email you this to fill out before the event.

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Breathing and Resting with Carrie Dennison and Alicia Barmon
2:30 PM14:30

Breathing and Resting with Carrie Dennison and Alicia Barmon

Join Alicia and Carrie in sacred community to breathe, rest, and align with your true self. The intention of this monthly gathering is to offer a soft place to land in the complexity of life.

In this afternoon practice, you will be guided into gentle breathwork followed by Restorative Yoga - a practice of breathing your way into being. There will be time for reflecting, journaling and optional sharing.

After our practice, we'll share some light snacks, refreshments and conversation.

“There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human - in not having to be just happy or just sad - in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time.” - C. JoyBell C.

Breathwork is best practice with a relatively empty stomach. It is recommended to not eat 2 hours before the class, if possible.

Bring a journal, pen and your tender hearts.

No yoga experience is required. If you looking for a safe space to connect with yourself and others, this practice is for you.

Cost: $48

You will be held with exquisite care by your guides Alicia Barmon and Carrie Dennison.

As a devotee of the breath and a weaver of inter-being, Alicia roots deep and expands wide to support the letting down from the pressured grip of dominant culture into the soft lap of compassion.

As a yoga teacher and Reiki Master, and student of Somatic Experiencing, Carrie uses rest as an antidote to the stress-related symptoms we experience from our fast-paced culture. She creates a soft and safe space while guiding her students into the array of gifts that stillness has to offer.

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Sound Bath Healing with Heather
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath Healing with Heather

Sound healing creates an environment where your body can relax, release and receive. As your body is immersed in vibrations from crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, rattles and chimes, you enter into a deep state of rest and rejuvenation. These sacred frequencies interact with your energy field, your chakras are cleansed of imbalances and activated with divine love. You attune to the healing frequencies which facilitates the release of subconscious wounds and allows for deep cellular nourishment.

Sound healing reduces physical and emotional stress as well as pain and mind chatter. It helps those who struggle with traditional meditation, as the harmonic sounds help to turn off your thinking brain and guide you into a deep brainwave state where healing and insights can arise. Sound baths are a powerful way to align, uplift and enliven yourself!

Cost: $30

Learn more about Heather at our teacher bio page.

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Myths and Tales Behind the Poses with Tara Lemerise
1:00 PM13:00

Myths and Tales Behind the Poses with Tara Lemerise

Who is the warrior of Warrior I, II, and III? Eagle pose doesn't look much like an eagle. Why is it called that? And why are the splits named after the monkey god Hanuman?

In this workshop Tara will teach you the Sanskrit names for several yoga postures that will help deepen your understanding of the poses. You'll get some tips and tricks to pronounce Sanskrit words as you learn about the history and philosophy of yoga in a fun and dynamic way.

3 CEU’s Available

Indologist Dr. Edwin Bryan always says, "Don't be afraid of Sanskrit." And he's right! Being open to learning even just a little bit of Sanskrit can take your yoga practice (and teaching!) to the next level. This workshop is mostly lecture with some opportunity for journaling and self-reflection, along with some optional practice storytelling. It is suitable for anyone who is curious about the Hindu and Buddhist roots of yoga and CEU's are available for yoga teachers registered with Yoga Alliance.

Cost: $48

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at

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Rest for All: 12 Hour Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion and Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise
to May 4

Rest for All: 12 Hour Restorative Yoga Personal Immersion and Teacher Training with Tara Lemerise

Saturday, May 3rd 12:00-6:00pm AND
Sunday, May 4th 12:00-6:00pm

Some of our deepest experiences of yoga happen when we have the opportunity to rest with support, awareness, and intention. Restorative Yoga is more than just adult nap time or an occasional indulgence. This immersive program will help you understand the profound impact of Restorative Yoga as a practitioner and/or a yoga teacher. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 12 continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

In this two-day program, we will explore:

  • The benefits, applications, and energetics of Restorative Yoga

  • Detailed alignment and propping instruction of Restorative Yoga postures -when/how to use props

  • How to address injuries and limitations during Restorative Yoga practice

  • Ways to identify physical and energetic misalignment in Restorative Yoga poses - skills for physical and verbal adjustments during Restorative Yoga practice

  • The benefits of compassion cultivation and its relationship to Restorative Yoga

  • How to lead Restorative Yoga practices in a variety of settings to a wide range of students

12 CEUs available to instructors who are registered with Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Anyone currently enrolled in an immersion or yoga teaching training program

Cost: $280 (includes manual)

Tara Lemerise

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, YACEP has guided 100s of yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at

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Online Wisdom Workshop: How To Develop and Sell Great Workshops with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: How To Develop and Sell Great Workshops with Hari-kirtana das

A great yoga workshop can be a life-changing experience. The challenge for the teacher is to consistently craft workshops that make a real difference in people’s lives. One obstacle to meeting that challenge is our tendency to focus on developing content rather than on focusing on the results that our content should deliver for our students.

What if you had a system that helped you to identify the most valuable things you have to offer and matched them with the most important goals your students want to achieve?

In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • Why a systematic approach to workshop development is so valuable

  • How to know what kind of workshops you should offer (they may not be the ones you think)

  • How to structure your workshop development process

  • How a workshop development strategy makes marketing your workshop easier

  • And more

Empower yourself with the practical tools to ensure that each workshop you offer surpasses expectations and leaves your students enriched beyond measure. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your workshop offerings and make an indelible impact on those you serve.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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Night Hike - Full Flower Moon with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich
6:30 PM18:30

Night Hike - Full Flower Moon with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich

As the setting sun fades into the horizon, the Flower Moon blooms and moonlit sky emerges, you will be guided towards self-reflection during this 2-mile out-and-back hike up to Weverton Cliffs Overlook.

Photo by Tom Simpson

We will enjoy tea and snacks at the top as we take in the views of the Potomac River. Then we will settle into the healing vibrations of singing bowls and Koshi Chimes. After hiking down, we will gather under the full moon for our final reflections.

Participants should wear/bring: 

  • Hiking poles are recommended (we will have some to lend)

  • Small backpack

  • Headlamp or small flashlight (with red light if you have one)

  • Several comfortable layers

  • Hiking or sturdy comfortable shoes

  • Water bottle and/or insulated mug

Cost: $38

Learn more about Lauren and Suzanne at our teacher bio page.

Meeting spot:

More information on the exact location will be emailed the day before the event.

Space is Limited.
Pre-Registration by Friday, May 9th is Required.

If you are planning on coming - please fill out this
information form/waiver, otherwise, Lauren and Suzanne will email you this to fill out before the event.

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Sound Bath Healing with Heather
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath Healing with Heather

Sound healing creates an environment where your body can relax, release and receive. As your body is immersed in vibrations from crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, rattles and chimes, you enter into a deep state of rest and rejuvenation. These sacred frequencies interact with your energy field, your chakras are cleansed of imbalances and activated with divine love. You attune to the healing frequencies which facilitates the release of subconscious wounds and allows for deep cellular nourishment.

Sound healing reduces physical and emotional stress as well as pain and mind chatter. It helps those who struggle with traditional meditation, as the harmonic sounds help to turn off your thinking brain and guide you into a deep brainwave state where healing and insights can arise. Sound baths are a powerful way to align, uplift and enliven yourself!

Cost: $30

Learn more about Heather at our teacher bio page.

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Yin and Restorative Yoga Retreat with Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise
to Jun 1

Yin and Restorative Yoga Retreat with Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise

  • River Mountain Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Joint Care and Conscious Rest
A Yin and Restorative Yoga Retreat
Thursday, May 29th - Sunday, June 1st, 2025

Join Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise for this 4-day/3-night retreat dedicated to progressive and profound self-care, relaxation, and community bonding at River Mountain Retreat Center.

Your are invited to join Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise for
a 4-day/3-night all-inclusive retreat dedicated to progressive
and profound self-care and relaxation.

There are few things more healing than stepping out of your day to day routines and responsibilities and taking time for yourself, to remember the ease of who you are, and recommit to what is most important in your life. 

Tara and Machelle are once again leading a sleep-away retreat at River Mountain where the air is fresh, the views are gorgeous, the food is nourishing, the yoga soothes, laughter abounds, and new friendships blossom. 

Each day you will have the opportunity to attend specially crafted yoga practices to care and honor your body, mind, and spirit, while also having ample free time to connect with others or relish alone-time. 

Machelle will guide you through Yin Yoga sequences designed for the support of the joints, ligaments, and fascia of the low back, spine, shoulders, hips, sacrum and knees. She will explain the benefits of the practice, read meditative texts for your contemplation, and offer you myths and stories as you practice.

In Tara's Restorative Yoga sessions, you will be guided through the skillful arrangement of props in completely passive poses. Instead of asking your body and mind to do more, Tara's sessions of Restorative Yoga will quiet your nervous system and your mind, allowing you to release deeply held tension and positioning you to receive.

The combination Yin and Restorative Yoga led by these expert teachers on this retreat will leave you feeling supported, cared for, and deeply rested.

This retreat also includes accommodations, three meals a day as well as optional Rise & Shine Flow practices each morning, hiking, campfires and s'mores, stargazing, and so much more! 

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Online Wisdom Workshop: How to Read Yoga Wisdom Texts with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: How to Read Yoga Wisdom Texts with Hari-kirtana das

This live online workshop for yoga teachers and enthusiasts who want to understand the traditional teachings of yoga offers 8 simple strategies that will make the philosophical literature of the yoga tradition easier to access.

Yoga Teacher Training Programs routinely assign or suggest reading books like the Yoga-sutras and the Bhagavad-gita as a part of their curriculum. What’s usually missing is guidance on how to get the most out of one’s reading.

Does this sound like you?

  • “I want to read these books but can’t wrap my head around them.”

  • “I get confused before I’m halfway through the first chapter.”

  • “I feel discouraged about not being able to access the traditional knowledge”

  • “The parts that I understand just sound theoretical; I don’t see what the practical application is.”

  • “I can’t get through these books, so I feel like an imposter when I try to teach yoga philosophy.”

If so, this live online workshop is for you. You’ll learn techniques for reading yoga wisdom texts that will enable you to develop…

  • a deep and authentic relationship with the traditional teachings of yoga, 

  • the ability to hear what the traditional literature is really saying, 

  • clarity about why the traditional teachings still matter, 

  • enthusiasm for reading the traditional texts, 

  • and confidence that what you’re sharing in your classes is both accurate and authentic

You’ll come away from this workshop with time-honored tools for  getting past the obstacles to understanding traditional yoga wisdom texts.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay.

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Night Hike - Full Strawberry Moon with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich
6:30 PM18:30

Night Hike - Full Strawberry Moon with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich

Step into serenity as the setting sun fades into the horizon and the Strawberry Moon lites the sky. You will be guided towards self-reflection during this 2-mile out-and-back hike up to Weverton Cliffs Overlook.

Photo by Tom Simpson

We will enjoy tea and snacks at the top as we take in the views of the Potomac River. Then we will settle into the healing vibrations of singing bowls and Koshi Chimes. After hiking down, we will gather under the full moon for our final reflections.

Participants should wear/bring: 

  • Hiking poles are recommended (we will have some to lend)

  • Small backpack

  • Headlamp or small flashlight (with red light if you have one)

  • Several comfortable layers

  • Hiking or sturdy comfortable shoes

  • Water bottle and/or insulated mug

Cost: $38

Learn more about Lauren and Suzanne at our teacher bio page.

Meeting spot:

More information on the exact location will be sent the day before the event.

Space is Limited.
Pre-Registration by Saturday, June 7th is Required.

If you are planning on coming - please fill out this
information form/waiver, otherwise, Lauren and Suzanne will email you this to fill out before the event.

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Sound Bath Healing with Heather
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath Healing with Heather

Sound healing creates an environment where your body can relax, release and receive. As your body is immersed in vibrations from crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, rattles and chimes, you enter into a deep state of rest and rejuvenation. These sacred frequencies interact with your energy field, your chakras are cleansed of imbalances and activated with divine love. You attune to the healing frequencies which facilitates the release of subconscious wounds and allows for deep cellular nourishment.

Sound healing reduces physical and emotional stress as well as pain and mind chatter. It helps those who struggle with traditional meditation, as the harmonic sounds help to turn off your thinking brain and guide you into a deep brainwave state where healing and insights can arise. Sound baths are a powerful way to align, uplift and enliven yourself!

Cost: $30

Learn more about Heather at our teacher bio page.

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Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD
1:00 PM13:00

Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at UpLift Yoga in Olney, MD

Yin Yoga utilizes floor poses held muscularly relaxed for 3-5 minutes each in order to very gently, modestly, within limits, target and stimulate fascia and ligaments through traction and compression.

This basic introduction to Yin Yoga theory and its simple repertoire of poses is self-empowering for the support and rehabilitation of the ligaments that make up joint capsules and the fascia network of the low back, spine, hips, sacrum, knees and ankles.

In this workshop, the foundational principles of Yin Yoga will be discussed as well as the chemical responses that occur in the joints and fascia based on modern tissue regeneration research. Learn and experience why Yin Yoga is so uniquely therapeutic and rehabilitative to the joints and connective tissues.

This workshop is great for anyone who is curious about how the gentle but therapeutic practice of Yin Yoga can aid their joints and fascia, teachers who are interested in incorporating Yin Yoga principles into their classes, and for those who are hankering for a decadently long Yin Yoga practice.

3 CEUS Available for Yoga Alliance

All are welcome. No previous yoga experience needed.

Cost: $55

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Online Wisdom Workshop: Intro to Bhakti-yoga with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: Intro to Bhakti-yoga with Hari-kirtana das

What does it mean to practice yoga with your heart?

If you’ve ever wondered how yoga can go beyond the mat and into the deepest corners of your inner life, bhakti yoga offers a profound answer. Translated as “the yoga of devotion,” bhakti is about cultivating a loving relationship with the divine—a relationship that transforms both your inner spiritual life and your day-to-day experience of the world.

In this 90-minute live online workshop, we’ll explore the foundational teachings of bhakti yoga as presented in through the theistic Vedanta lineage of Gaudiya Vaisnavism, a tradition of devotionalism dating back to medieval India based on the ancient teachings found in the Puranas and Upanishads.

In this workshop, you’ll learn:

  • What does bhakti mean, and how is it different from other yoga paths?

  • What are the benefits of cultivating a devotional yoga practice?

  • What does bhakti philosophy teach about the nature of the self, the world, and the divine?

  • How can you begin practicing bhakti yoga right now?

This will be an interactive experience that will combine philosophy with practice, so you’ll not only learn the core principles of bhakti yoga but also experience a practical introduction to mantra meditation—a simple yet powerful way to awaken your own devotional consciousness.

Imagine this:

What if spirituality didn’t feel like an abstract pursuit but instead became deeply personal, like a conversation between your soul and the divine? What if you could bring this sense of connection into every part of your life?

By the end of this workshop, you’ll have:

  • A clear understanding of the foundational principles of bhakti yoga.

  • Simple, accessible practices to start or deepen your experience of bhakti.

  • A vision for how bhakti yoga can bring purpose, joy, and meaning to your life.

You’re invited to bring your questions, your curiosity, and your heart to this sacred space. Let’s explore together what it means to awaken devotion and live a life infused with love.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay.

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Online Wisdom Workshop: Pramana: How to Obtain "Right Knowledge” with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: Pramana: How to Obtain "Right Knowledge” with Hari-kirtana das

In a world where fact and opinion often blur together, the yogic system of pramana—the “source of right knowledge”—offers us a pathway to discernment.

In The Yoga Sutras, pramana is the first of the five vrittis (fluctuations of the mind), representing our means to distinguish truth from illusion. Without a clear understanding of pramana, we risk confusion, misguided beliefs, and decisions based on unreliable knowledge.

This workshop is designed to equip you with the tools to navigate life’s complexities with clarity and wisdom. 

In this workshop, you’ll:

  • Explore the Three Forms of Evidence: Delve into the significance of sense perception, logical reasoning, and verbal testimony as pathways for validating knowledge.

  • Engage with Sacred Texts: Learn practical techniques for interpreting sacred texts, discerning literal meanings from metaphorical insights, and uncovering the deeper truths embedded in yoga philosophy.

  • Practice Contemplative Reading: Discover methods for contemplative reading that foster critical thinking, personal reflection, and the integration of philosophical insights into your own worldview.

This will be a fun, insightful workshop designed to deepen your connection with yoga wisdom texts and help you integrate their teachings into your life. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your consciousness, sharpen your discernment, and embark on a journey of profound self-discovery.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay.

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Online Wisdom Workshop: Navigating the Intersection of Yoga and Religion with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Wisdom Workshop: Navigating the Intersection of Yoga and Religion with Hari-kirtana das

For many, yoga serves as a powerful spiritual practice, yet its relationship with religion and faith can often feel complex. How do the theistic roots of the yoga tradition fit with the universal appeal of yoga as a spiritual path?

This workshop dives into the nuanced connection between yoga as a universal pathway of spiritual realization and religion as an expression of faith. It offers a comprehensive exploration of how the yoga tradition intersects with concepts of divinity, faith, and philosophy.

Participants will gain clarity on:

  • The theistic elements within the yoga tradition, and how they contribute to a holistic practice.

  • The difference between Western ideas of God and the Vedic concept of the Absolute Truth.

  • How to reconcile dualistic and non-dualistic philosophies in yoga, understanding both perspectives in a way that enriches personal practice.

  • The relationship between yoga and Hinduism, and how yoga’s spiritual origins stand apart from any single religion.

  • What cultural appropriation is, the ways in which it’s often misunderstood, how to recognize it, how to avoid it, and how to respond to it.

We’ll also explore practical ways to lead meaningful conversations about yoga’s theological dimensions in secular settings. Participants will gain valuable insights into the relationship of faith and knowledge in yoga philosophy and tools for respectfully representing the yoga tradition in classes, workshops, and trainings.

Join us for this enlightening session to uncover the spiritual dimensions of yoga and find new ways to integrate and communicate these principles in modern life. Whether you’re a practitioner, teacher, or seeker, this workshop will empower you with insights to deepen your connection to yoga’s rich spiritual heritage.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $27

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay.

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New Moon Ritual: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon Ritual: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison

The New Crow Moon stands at the threshold between the depth of winter and the first signs of rebirth in spring. The new moon phase represents fresh starts, rejuvenation, and limitless possibility while the crow is seen as a symbol of transformation, intelligence, and mystery. Many cultures believe this particular moon has special powers because it illuminates and ignites the growing season as the first seeds for new life and possibility are planted. 

New Moon Rituals offer space to connect with the community, experience gentle movement, settle into meditation practices, and get clear on our intentions for the next lunar cycle. Each month's gathering offers gentle, accessible practices. Depending on the inspiration and energy, we will utilize practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong, and/or other self-care rituals.

New moons remind us to check in with the parts of ourselves that are expanding and the areas of our lives that are experiencing new beginnings. In yogic philosophy, one big obstacle to letting go of suffering is what lives in our unconsciousness. As the new moon begins in darkness, we can use stillness, rest and meditation to explore the parts of us that are in the shadows to bring us into our own light.

No previous yoga experience required. 

Cost: $25

Learn more about Carrie at our Teacher Bio Page.

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The Radiance Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise
7:30 PM19:30

The Radiance Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise

5 Week Online Series
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm
February 26th - March 26th

Fondly known as “The 112 Gateways to the Yoga of Wonder and Delight”, The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra or The Radiance Sutras provides us with an alternative to the philosophy and meditation practices in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Rather than suppress the turnings of the mind and deny our desires, this text invites us to access divinity in our embodiment as the key to finding lasting peace. This text assures us that it is possible to find freedom from our sufferings via normal human experiences such as breathing, falling asleep and waking up, being in nature, and making love.

Join us to explore the beauty of these verses that encourage you to befriend the whole of your human experience as a pathway to enlightenment.

Please purchase this version:
The Radiance Sutras translated by Lorin Roche

Tara will also provide a copy of "A translation of the Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra" by Christopher Wallis aka Hareesh.

You do not need to read anything before our first session.

Cost: $90

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at

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Reiki Share with Judy Buchanan
7:00 PM19:00

Reiki Share with Judy Buchanan

A Reiki Share is a great opportunity for trained practitioners to come together in a caring community in order to exchange services. This gathering will be facilitated by seasoned Reiki Master and mentor, Judy Buchanan. Providers can hone their skills and share their knowledge while building confidence and sharing time with like-minded people. 

Everyone in the group will have an opportunity to both receive and give heart-centered Reiki energy. One person will rest on the massage table while one to four practitioners provide a short Reiki session. Following, there will will be time allotted to share feedback and insights regarding the experience. Afterwards, practitioners will rotate until all have been a provider and a receiver of healing energy.

To attend - participants must have a minimum of Reiki one, the first level of Reiki training and attunement. Reiki practitioners of ALL levels and abilities are welcome. You do not need to be well practiced. Equally, no matter how experienced you are, there's always more to learn from each other and to build community.

Cost: $30

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Sound Bath Healing with Heather
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath Healing with Heather

Sound healing creates an environment where your body can relax, release and receive. As your body is immersed in vibrations from crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, rattles and chimes, you enter into a deep state of rest and rejuvenation. These sacred frequencies interact with your energy field, your chakras are cleansed of imbalances and activated with divine love. You attune to the healing frequencies which facilitates the release of subconscious wounds and allows for deep cellular nourishment.

Sound healing reduces physical and emotional stress as well as pain and mind chatter. It helps those who struggle with traditional meditation, as the harmonic sounds help to turn off your thinking brain and guide you into a deep brainwave state where healing and insights can arise. Sound baths are a powerful way to align, uplift and enliven yourself!

Cost: $30

Learn more about Heather at our teacher bio page.

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6 Week Postnatal Mom & Baby Yoga Series with Sabrina Remsburg
11:00 AM11:00

6 Week Postnatal Mom & Baby Yoga Series with Sabrina Remsburg

6 Week Series
February 21st - March 28th
Fridays, 11:00am-12:15pm

Pre-registered drop-ins will be available once we secure the 5 person minimum for the series.

This Postnatal Yoga class provides a place for moms and babies, newborn to new crawlers, to benefit from practice and connect with women in a similar phase of life.

The yoga portion will include breathing and gentle movement to meet and support your beautiful bodies where they are in the moment. A guided massage and movement for babies will be included in each class. Each practice will end in a relaxing sound healing with crystal singing bowls.

Cost: $108/6 week series or $20/class pre-registered drop-in

We need 5 registrants for the entire series in order to run this class. Once we have gotten our minimum registration, we will open the calendar for per/class registered "drop-ins." If you are interested in dropping in, please check the calendar 3 days before the series begins or right after the scheduled start date.

Learn more about Sabrina at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Partner Yoga: The Joy of Giving and Receiving with Elaine Lewis
3:00 PM15:00

Partner Yoga: The Joy of Giving and Receiving with Elaine Lewis

Discover the joy of giving and receiving as a form of communication and connection with a partner. This light-hearted partner yoga class includes poses that are restorative, accessible, and playful.

Partner yoga is a fun way to add variety and depth to your practice. Experiencing asana using the counterweight and resistance of another breathes new life and sensations into poses that we typically do alone. In this fun and playful workshop, join Elaine to explore gentle standing and floor poses that mutually support, traction/stretch, cultivate strength and balance while we laugh and and forge deeper bonds of awareness, connection and trust. 

No prior yoga experience is necessary. Poses will be modified to fit the needs of everyone.

Bring a friend, loved one, family member, teenaged-child. Everyone is welcome!

Cost: $42 per couple - Simply register for “one” person and bring your partner with you.

Learn more about Elaine at our Teacher Bio Page.

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8th Annual Valentine's Day Candlelight Yin Yoga, Wine and Chocolate with Machelle Lee
6:30 PM18:30

8th Annual Valentine's Day Candlelight Yin Yoga, Wine and Chocolate with Machelle Lee

What more needs to be said?  For the 8th consecutive year, we’re coming together on Valentine’s Day to lift a glass to self-love and enjoy a delicious evening together. Choose from several wines and then take your glass and snacks the mat for an indulgent but therapeutic Yin Yoga practice themed around deep love for the simple joys of life. 


In this special evening, you will enjoy a choice of red or white wine, teas, cheese and crackers, and a selection of chocolates. There will be time to chat with community. Then we will settle into the deep, quiet stillness of Yin Yoga as Machelle reads you poems and stories of self-love and the preciousness of life.

Cost: $40

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Full Moon Gathering: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison
6:00 PM18:00

Full Moon Gathering: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison

The Snow Moon, named for the time with the largest amount of snowfall in the northern hemisphere and some of the coldest days. This cycle invites us to linger in the pause as our roots continue to be nourished, as Spring will be arriving soon.

Full Moon Gatherings offer space to connect with the community, experience gentle movement, settle into meditation practices, and get clear on our intentions for the next lunar cycle. Each month's gathering offers gentle, accessible practices. Depending on the inspiration and energy, we will utilize practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong, and/or other self-care rituals.

The full moon is a powerful time to set intentions for releasing, culmination, or achieving emotional clarity. Celebrating full moons is a great way to honor our own fullness and wholeness while we receive the wisdom for what is yet to unfold.

No previous yoga experience required.

Cost: $25

Learn more about Carrie at our Teacher Bio Page.

Join us in-studio to explore the meanings of the moon and celebrate your place in the cycle of ritual and reverence with nature’s rhythms.

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Cancelled - C&O Canal Full Moon Walk with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich
3:30 PM15:30

Cancelled - C&O Canal Full Moon Walk with Lauren Lang and Suzanne Cervarich

Step into Nature’s Spotlight Under February's Snow Moon. Experience the healing benefits of forest bathing, a calming sound bath, and natural tea during this Winter gathering under the snow moon. We will start with a forest bathing sensory walk along the Potomac River, connecting to the Winter landscape. Back in the warmth of the studio, taste wild foraged herbal tea (tisane) and savor its natural flavors. Then settle into the sounds and vibrations of singing bowls and Koshi Chimes.

What to Bring:

  • Hiking poles are recommended (we will have some to lend)

  • Headlamp or small flashlight (with red light if you have one)

  • Several comfortable layers (hand/toe warmers- optional)

  • Warm hat and gloves

  • Hiking or sturdy comfortable shoes

  • Water bottle and/or insulated mug

Cost: $38

Learn more about Lauren and Suzanne at our teacher bio page

Pre-registration is Required by Friday, February 7th.

If you are planning on coming - please fill out this information form/waiver, otherwise, Lauren and Suzanne will email you this to fill out before the event.

We will begin and end the event at the studio

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Online Series: Fundamentals of Yoga Philosophy with Hari-kirtana das
12:00 PM12:00

Online Series: Fundamentals of Yoga Philosophy with Hari-kirtana das

3 Week Virtual Course
February 9th, 16th and 23rd
12:00-1:30pm for LIVE offering
Recording links available for later viewing

Dive into the heart of yoga’s philosophical foundation with this three-part series designed for dedicated practitioners, yoga teachers, and seekers of transcendental knowledge. 

This is more than a course; it’s a journey into the radical, relevant ideas that form the backbone of yoga wisdom.

Over three sessions, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yoga’s essential teachings as they appear in the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, revealing how these timeless principles can transform your engagement with the world. 

Yoga teachers will learn to infuse their classes with philosophical depth, and aspiring transcendentalists will gain the foundational knowledge to ground their spiritual practices.

This course offers:

  • An overview of core concepts, Sanskrit terms, and knowledge categories in the Vedic tradition.

  • Insight into the origins, relevance, and practical applications of yoga philosophy.

  • Exploration of the radical ideas that make yoga philosophy a powerful, transformative force.

Course Outline:

  • Session 1: Basic Concepts
    Discover the origins of Vedic philosophy, the purpose of yoga philosophy, yoga’s unique view of knowledge, and its radical, transformative propositions. Explore the five core functions of yoga philosophy and why they matter.

  • Session 2: The Yoga Sutras
    Learn who the Yoga Sutras were meant for, their approach to yoga psychology, the five main obstacles to yoga, the ethics embedded in the text, and its universal, non-sectarian approach to spirituality.

  • Session 3: The Bhagavad Gita
    Uncover the profound relationship between the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras, the Gita’s core teachings, key verses, and the path of bhakti-yoga—the yoga of devotion. Gain insights into the concept of Krishna and the enduring wisdom of this text.

Each session includes live Q&A, giving you the chance to ask questions, share reflections, and engage with these teachings in real time.

Whether you’re seeking to deepen your personal practice or share this wisdom with others, this course will open the door to a whole new level of understanding.

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

Cost: $97/3-part series

Offered via Zoom. Recording Links will be emailed 1 hour before class time.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 4.5 hours of CE credit.

Attend LIVE and/or a recording will be available for replay

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NEW WEEKLY IN-STUDIO CLASS: Level 1 Mat Pilates with Mamata Ives
7:00 AM07:00

NEW WEEKLY IN-STUDIO CLASS: Level 1 Mat Pilates with Mamata Ives

Pilates is a mind-body exercise system that uses a series of controlled movements, breathing, and muscle engagement to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and posture.

This Level 1 mat pilates class will closely adhere to the classical Pilates method. Rooted in alignment of the human movement system, pilates exercises are designed to be relatively simple but repetitive to tone the targeted tissues. The practice can be adapted to be gentle or challenging.

Level 1 Mat Pilates will be offered in-studio
every Wednesday from 7:00-8:00am starting February 5th using a studio class pass or membership.

Learn more about Mamata on our teacher bio page

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Cosmic Flow with Hari-kirtana das
3:00 PM15:00

Cosmic Flow with Hari-kirtana das

Cosmic Flow combines Yoga Nidra with Vinyasa Yoga to produce an extraordinary psychophysical experience that’s both invigorating and restorative. This workshop is suitable for all levels of practitioners and includes a talk about the origins, nature, and benefits of ‘mystic slumber,’ a Cosmic Flow practice, and time for journaling and discussion about what you experienced.

The Cosmic Flow practice consists of an extended centering meditation that will guide you to your own unique inner space and establish the theme of the practice, a seamless transition into a flowing asana sequence, and a long guided savasana that will induce a state of deep relaxation and elevated awareness.

Designed for stress-reduction, clarity of thought, physical rejuvenation, and spiritual illumination, this workshop will leave you feeling as ethereal and brilliant as a ray of light.

Cost: $35

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

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Experiential Yoga Philosophy: How to Connect Spiritual Ideas to Real Life with Hari-kirtana das
10:00 AM10:00

Experiential Yoga Philosophy: How to Connect Spiritual Ideas to Real Life with Hari-kirtana das

Traditional yoga wisdom often feels out of reach—esoteric ideas, rigorous practices, and lofty goals that seem disconnected from our everyday experiences. But what if we could use these teachings to navigate the challenges we face each day?

The purpose of yoga wisdom isn’t meant to be far removed from reality; it’s meant to be lived. In this workshop, we’ll answer the question, “How can I transform yoga’s theoretical teachings into knowledge I can apply in my life?”

This workshop is for yoga enthusiasts who are ready to go beyond the surface and directly engage with the practical aspects of yoga philosophy. Over the course of our session, we’ll explore six essential teachings from the yoga wisdom tradition and learn how to apply each one in our personal, professional, social, and family lives. You’ll gain practical insights and tools to integrate this wisdom into your daily tasks and interactions—moving from knowledge to experience, one small step at a time.

Make yoga philosophy a lived experience! Join us to discover how ancient teachings can bring clarity and transformation to your life in a way that’s personal, practical, and relevant.

This course is registered with Yoga Alliance and offers 1.5 hours of CE credit.

Cost: $35

Learn more about Hari-kirtana das at our teacher bio page

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New Moon Ritual: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon Ritual: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison

The Snow Moon is named for the time with the largest amount of snowfall in the northern hemisphere and some of the coldest days. This cycle invites us to linger in the pause as our roots continue to be nourished.

New Moon Rituals offer space to connect with the community, experience gentle movement, settle into meditation practices, and get clear on our intentions for the next lunar cycle. Each month's gathering offers gentle, accessible practices. Depending on the inspiration and energy, we will utilize practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong, and/or other self-care rituals.

New moons remind us to check in with the parts of ourselves that are expanding and the areas of our lives that are experiencing new beginnings. In yogic philosophy, one big obstacle to letting go of suffering is what lives in our unconsciousness. As the new moon begins in darkness, we can use stillness, rest and meditation to explore the parts of us that are in the shadows to bring us into our own light.   

Cost: $25

Learn more about Carrie at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Breathing and Resting with Carrie Dennison and Alicia Barmon
2:30 PM14:30

Breathing and Resting with Carrie Dennison and Alicia Barmon

Join Alicia and Carrie in sacred community to breathe, rest, and align with your true self. The intention of this monthly gathering is to offer a soft place to land in the complexity of life.

In this afternoon practice, you will be guided into gentle breathwork followed by Restorative Yoga - a practice of breathing your way into being. There will be time for reflecting, journaling and optional sharing.

After our practice, we'll share some light snacks, refreshments and conversation.

“There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human - in not having to be just happy or just sad - in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time.” - C. JoyBell C.

Breathwork is best practice with a relatively empty stomach. It is recommended to not eat 2 hours before the class, if possible.

Bring a journal, pen and your tender hearts.

No yoga experience is required. If you looking for a safe space to connect with yourself and others, this practice is for you.

Cost: $48

You will be held with exquisite care by your guides Alicia Barmon and Carrie Dennison.

As a devotee of the breath and a weaver of inter-being, Alicia roots deep and expands wide to support the letting down from the pressured grip of dominant culture into the soft lap of compassion.

As a yoga teacher and Reiki Master, and student of Somatic Experiencing, Carrie uses rest as an antidote to the stress-related symptoms we experience from our fast-paced culture. She creates a soft and safe space while guiding her students into the array of gifts that stillness has to offer.

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Sound Bath Healing with Heather
7:00 PM19:00

Sound Bath Healing with Heather

Sound healing creates an environment where your body can relax, release and receive. As your body is immersed in vibrations from crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, rattles and chimes, you enter into a deep state of rest and rejuvenation. These sacred frequencies interact with your energy field, your chakras are cleansed of imbalances and activated with divine love. You attune to the healing frequencies which facilitates the release of subconscious wounds and allows for deep cellular nourishment.

Sound healing reduces physical and emotional stress as well as pain and mind chatter. It helps those who struggle with traditional meditation, as the harmonic sounds help to turn off your thinking brain and guide you into a deep brainwave state where healing and insights can arise. Sound baths are a powerful way to align, uplift and enliven yourself!

Cost: $30

Learn more about Heather at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Personal Immersion with Tara Lemerise
to Jan 19

Pranayama and Meditation: 10 Hour Personal Immersion with Tara Lemerise

Saturday, January 18th 1:00-6:00pm AND
Sunday, January 19th 1:00-6:00pm

Pranayama - the breath practices of yoga - is one of the most deeply powerful but underused and misinterpreted set of yoga tools. Despite being identified as one of the limbs of yoga in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and in other yoga texts, most yoga classes and even 200 hour teacher training programs do not spend much time, if any, on this important and impactful aspect of yoga.

If you are seeking a deeper engagement with the subtle energy body, some experiential anatomy including a deeper understanding of the nervous system, and some inspiration to advance your yoga practice and/or teaching, this immersion is your opportunity to expand your yoga experience beyond the postures. Yoga teachers who complete both days will be eligible for 10 continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

This two-day 10-hour immersion includes the following:

  • History and purpose of pranayama

  • The framework for the movement of energy in Hatha Yoga, known as the vayu

  • Anatomy of the nervous system, respiratory system, and circulatory system

  • Practice with the foundational pranayama techniques, as well as several of their variations

10 CEUs available to instructors who are registered with Yoga Alliance

This training is ideal for:

  • Anyone interested in deepening their understanding and experience of Restorative Yoga

  • New and experienced yoga teachers who want to grow teaching skills

  • Anyone currently enrolled in an immersion or yoga teaching training program

You will also have the opportunity to explore the accessible and powerful approaches to meditation that naturally evolve from pranayama practices. You will learn the history of meditation and learn the appropriate way to use mala beads to support your practice.

Each session includes some asana to prepare you to sit comfortably, lecture, reflection, and discussion. We will have ample time to practice with the breath and the inner workings of mind, along with some optional practice teaching for anyone who wants to incorporate more pranayama in their classes.

All curious folks are welcome. No specific yoga experience is required to participate in this immersion.

Cost: $240 (Handouts included)

Learn more about Tara at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Full Moon Gathering: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison
6:00 PM18:00

Full Moon Gathering: Mindful Practices and Community Connection with Carrie Dennison

The Wolf Moon received its name to honor the warriors of the wilderness and mark the beginning of their mating season. January is a time of great stillness and peace in nature, holding opportunities for us to acknowledge the beauty within silence and hibernation. It is a time to simplify and embrace these days of quiet solitude, but also to let out the howls deep within that are longing to be acknowledged.

Full Moon Gatherings offer space to connect with the community, experience gentle movement, settle into meditation practices, and get clear on our intentions for the next lunar cycle. Each month's gathering offers gentle, accessible practices. Depending on the inspiration and energy, we will utilize practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong, and/or other self-care rituals.

The full moon is a powerful time to set intentions for releasing, culmination, or achieving emotional clarity. Celebrating full moons is a great way to honor our own fullness and wholeness while we receive the wisdom for what is yet to unfold.

Cost: $25

Learn more about Carrie at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Foundations of Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center in Washington DC
to Jan 12

Foundations of Yin Yoga: Theory and Science of Joint and Fascia Tending with Machelle Lee at Lighthouse Yoga Center in Washington DC

  • Lighthouse Yoga Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday, January 11th 1:00-7:30pm
Sunday, January 12th 1:00-7:30pm

Yin Yoga utilizes muscularly relaxed poses, practiced on the floor, that are held for 3-5 minutes in order to safely and systematically stimulate chemical re-generative responses in tissues, particularly of fascia, ligaments, and within joint capsules. Through modest traction and compression, one trains the structural tissues to reduce the process of contracture that shortens tissues and can cause degeneration, adhesions, pain, and decreased range of motion. Yin Yoga's methodical and subtle approach provides lubrication, mobility, and a sense of lightness to the body's structure, energetics, and thus to the nervous system, the mind and emotions.  

This 12 hour training/personal enrichment program is a valuable introductory exploration for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Yin Yoga practice for their own self-care, for teachers wanting to incorporate the basics of Yin Yoga wisely and safely into their class offerings, and for wellness practitioners looking to integrate Yin Yoga practices into their sessions.

Registered yoga teachers with Yoga Alliance will earn 12 contact hours of continuing education credit (CEUS).

Topics of exploration: 

  • Theory and Practice of Yin Yoga - the science and practice behind Yin Yoga including:

    • the function of fascia - the “soft skeleton”

    • the biomechanics of range of motion and fascia’s roll in movement

    • how muscle vs ligament health must be approached fundamentally differently

    • how "exercising" structural tissue appropriately, through long held and modest tractions and compressions, fosters regenerative chemical responses for tissue health

    • primary physiological and psychological benefits of Yin Yoga on the nervous system

  • 7 foundational Yin Yoga poses, their variations, and their target areas to stimulate the tissues and joint capsules around the hips, sacrum/SI joints, low back, length of spine, and knees

  • Approaches to modify, adjust, and prop Yin Yoga postures in order to safely create practices that stimulate desired joint and fascia tissue for each individual’s needs and unique body structure

Cost: $250 (includes manual)

Learn more about Machelle at our Teacher Bio Page.

Lighthouse Yoga Center is located at
502 Kennedy Street NW #2B Washington, DC 20011

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6 Week Postnatal Mom & Baby Yoga Series with Sabrina Remsburg
10:45 AM10:45

6 Week Postnatal Mom & Baby Yoga Series with Sabrina Remsburg

6 Week Series
January 10th - February 14th
Fridays, 10:45am-12:00pm

Pre-registered drop-ins will be available once we secure the 5 person minimum for the series.

This Postnatal Yoga class provides a place for moms and babies, newborn to new crawlers, to benefit from practice and connect with women in a similar phase of life.

Each class in the series is 75 minutes with an optional extra 30 minutes of community connection through tea and chatting from 12:00-12:30pm

The yoga portion will include breathing and gentle movement to meet and support your beautiful bodies where they are in the moment. A guided massage and movement for babies will be included in each class. Each practice will end in a relaxing sound healing with crystal singing bowls.

Cost: $108/6 week series

We need 5 registrants for the entire series in order to run this class. Once we have gotten our minimum registration, we will open the calendar for per/class registered "drop-ins." If you are interested in dropping in, please check the calendar 3 days before the series begins or right after the scheduled start date.

Learn more about Sabrina at our Teacher Bio Page.

In-Studio Only

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The Yoga Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise
7:30 PM19:30

The Yoga Sutras Online Book Club Series with Tara Lemerise

5 Week Online Series
January 8th - February 5th
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have arguably become the most influential text to modern yoga. But why? You've seen these pithy lines as captions on instagram posts but what does this text REALLY say about yoga as a philosophy, practice, and lifestyle?

The ethical guidelines of yoga, the end goal of yoga practice, distractions and the obstacles, and what we can expect when near enlightenment… It’s all here!

Join The Yoga Sutras Book club to read and discuss all of this and more! You'll feel right at home with your fellow nerdy, curious, and kind-hearted seekers in fun, deep, lively discussions of this seminal text.

Please purchase this version:
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translated by Alistair Shearer

You do not need to read anything before our first session.

Cost: $90

Learn more about Tara at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Virtual 3 Week Prenatal Yoga Series with Rebecca Henry
6:00 PM18:00

Virtual 3 Week Prenatal Yoga Series with Rebecca Henry

3 Week Online Series
January 8th - January 22nd
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:15pm

Join birth and postpartum doula Rebecca Henry for her unique 3-week Online Prenatal Yoga Series that is an exciting and innovated collaboration between Roots & River Yoga and Lighthouse Yoga Center in Washington, DC.

Prenatal yoga is not just a regular yoga class adapted for pregnant people. At a time when everything is changing in your body, prenatal yoga helps moms-to-be reconnect with and build body awareness, stretch, strengthen and release the muscles most easily affected by pregnancy and foster a greater understanding of what is happening with our bodies during pregnancy and childbirth.

This series will give moms a chance to foster a sense of community with other moms, explore techniques for preparing for and coping with labor and help make space for baby to turn into optimal position for labor and birth. Each class will explore a different element of pregnancy, labor and/or childbirth, building knowledge and bodily awareness for this important time in your life!

Open to all stages of pregnancy and all levels of yoga experience. Accommodations will be provided for injuries or special conditions. However, if in doubt, we recommend that you consult your physician before signing up.

Cost: $54/3 week series

Learn more about Rebecca at our Teacher Bio Page.

This series is offered online only. Join LIVE at class time or wait for the recording to enjoy at your own convenience. The LIVE link will arrive in your in-box One (1) hour before each class
The recording link will be sent by Friday afternoons

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NEW WEEKLY CLASS: Mixed Level Flow with Elaine Lewis
9:30 AM09:30

NEW WEEKLY CLASS: Mixed Level Flow with Elaine Lewis

Building on the basics, these movements increase the complexity of the practice while still offering multiple options and variations so each person can create the level of challenge and ease that is right for them.

The practice is based on "salutations" and leads students from standing to being down on the floor many times in each class and thus is not recommended for those currently having mobility challenges. This class is perfect for physically active beginners and those with yoga experience.

Mixed Level Flow will be offered in-studio
every Wednesday from 9:30-10:45am starting January 8th -
studio class pass or membership.

Learn more about Elaine on our teacher bio page.

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Those Hips Don't Lie 3 Week Online Series with Tara Lemerise
6:45 PM18:45

Those Hips Don't Lie 3 Week Online Series with Tara Lemerise

3 Week Online Series
Mondays, 6:45-7:45pm
January 6th - January 20th

There’s a saying that the hips govern all of our movements AND our emotions. They give us insight into where we might be feeling stuck physically and energetically.

In this 3-week online series, we will listen and transform the crankiness of our body into ease with mostly seated and reclining poses plus drills to stretch and strengthen your glutes and outer hips, quads, inner thighs, and hip flexors. All levels are welcome. This is a great way to get started or re-start yoga.

A Zoom link will be sent out 1 hour before class each week. All classes in the series will be recorded and available until March.

Cost: $60

Learn more about Tara on our teacher bio page.

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Updated Class: Yoga Flow and Tone with Kristina Molinari
6:00 PM18:00

Updated Class: Yoga Flow and Tone with Kristina Molinari

Same Time, Same Teacher, New Flow and Tone

The Monday 6pm practice you’ve come to know and love is getting an update! Kristina has refined her class, adding strength training and an extra 15 minutes make it a 75 minute full bodymind offering.

Yoga Flow and Tone offers creative sequences that are flow-based, weaving one pose into the next intelligently and meditatively. Breathwork, body resistance and hand weights will be integrated to boost metabolism, build lean muscle mass, strengthen bone density, and cultivate self-confidence. These practices offer a dynamic integration for body and mind that active beginners and those with more experienced fitness levels will enjoy.

Yoga Flow and Tone will be offered in-studio
every Monday from 6:00-7:15pm starting January 6, 2025
studio class pass or membership.

Learn more about Kristina on our teacher bio page.

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Day Retreat with Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise
1:00 PM13:00

Day Retreat with Machelle Lee and Tara Lemerise

Day retreats create a meaningful pause to step out of the day to day responsibilities and reset. Through yoga practices and community connection Machelle and Tara invite you to join us in creating a sacred space to wind down slowly and deeply pause to reveal calm, clarity, and joy. 

In this day-retreat, Tara and Machelle will co-lead a full-body, gentle yoga practice to untangle tension in the body and the mind.  Machelle will then guide you through a nurturing Yin Yoga practice designed for the support of the joints, ligaments, and fascia of the shoulders, low back, sacrum and spine while reading mediative texts to soothe your soul.  

After a break, Tara will guide you in winding down even more through a series of propped Restorative Yoga poses. With calming music and very little talking, Restorative Yoga consists of doing less in order to receive more. The practice soothes the nervous system, quiets the mind, and releases deeply held tension within the body in a completely passive way. 

The combination Gentle Yoga, Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga will move progressively into a profoundly relaxing afternoon to remember the gift of who you are a little more clearly!  

After our long afternoon practice, we will hold an optional POTLUCK at the studio from 5:30-8:00pm for some time to talk, laugh, and foster communication connection. Dishes to share can be brought to the studio to stay cool in our fridge or warmed in the microwave.

Cost: $75

Learn more about Tara and Machelle at our Roots & River Yoga Teacher Bio Page.

Our next Day Retreat is Saturday, April 5th from 1:00-5:30pm.
Learn more or register here for the April 5th gathering.

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NEW WEEKLY ONLINE CLASSES: Yoga Philosophy + Form + Flow with Tara Lemerise
9:00 AM09:00

NEW WEEKLY ONLINE CLASSES: Yoga Philosophy + Form + Flow with Tara Lemerise

We are delighted to be adding three new online yoga classes each week with Tara Lemerise. These classes weave together yoga philosophy and posture practice focused on form and flow.

Mondays, 7:30-8:30am
Yoga Philosophy + Form

More form than flow; great for beginners and folks with yoga experience who want to explore specific alignment and actions.

Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm
Yoga Philosophy + Form + Flow

Challenging but still doable for all levels. Explore more variations of poses and practices taught in the Monday classes.

Saturdays, 9:00-10:00am
Yoga Philosophy + Flow

More flow than form, this vigorous movement-based vinyasa class weaves together concepts and poses from earlier in the week.

Each of these three classes will be offered online each week, starting Saturday, January 4th, using a studio class pass or membership. Zoom links for the classes will be emailed 1 hour before the start time.

These classes are offered
live only, there are NO recordings sent later.

Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training.

Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at

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New Year's Day Self-Care Ritual with Carrie Dennison
12:00 PM12:00

New Year's Day Self-Care Ritual with Carrie Dennison

While the rest of the world is thinking about doing, let’s practice being. Set the foundation in your body and mind for the coming year. Move, breathe, rest, laugh and be in community.

The intention of this experience is to create a soft space to turn inward and practice compassion, acceptance, and peace for self and for all beings.

Through guided meditation, you will have the space to reflect and have the option to share inspirations and ruminations that are close to your heartmind. Our time together will include  gentle movement, calming breathwork, Restorative Yoga, and more! 

Start the new year feeling refreshed, grounded, and connected.

Cost: $45


Learn more about Carrie at our Teacher Bio Page.

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Winter Solstice Ritual - Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing with Amy Lefebvre and Machelle Lee
6:00 PM18:00

Winter Solstice Ritual - Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing with Amy Lefebvre and Machelle Lee

“Solstice” combines the latin words sol (sun) and" sistere (to stand still). On Saturday, December 21st, the sun appears to stand still in the lowest part of the horizon and remains steady there for three days, creating the longest nights of the year. At midnight, December 24th, the sun begins to incrementally rise, and marks the “re-birth of the sun,” which has been celebrated for millennia.  

Come honor the Winter Solstice with Amy Lefebvre and Machelle Lee in an evening cultivating stillness, peace and ritual through Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing.  

Pour a cup of hot tea, grab some blankets and props and grow quiet and soft in your body and mind as Machelle guides you in a series of progressively more restful restorative poses. Settle more and more completely as you are washed with the healing vibrational tones of Amy’s singing crystal bowls. We will have time to chat and share as we reflect on the year’s seasons and prepare for winter.

During the practice and sound bath will be experienced in a meditative wordlessness with minimal instruction when shifting poses so that each person can fall into that liminal space, soften the talkative mind down to a whisper, and receive some recalibration and healing.

This Winter Solstice ritual will provide you with an opportunity to connect in meaningful conversation, relax and reflect, clear out energies that do not serve you, and make space for creating loving intention for the year to come. From the space of deep rest and stillness will come renewal.

Cost: $35

Amy and Machelle have been collaborating in many ways since the incarnation of Roots & River Yoga, even down to our beloved logo, which Machelle imagined and Amy brought to life. Machelle is the studio’s founder and has been teaching yoga for three decades. Amy is a sought after tattoo artist working at American Tattoo in Brunswick, MD. She has found sound and vibrational healing to be a powerful tool in her own self-care and has given her heart to learning and sharing this ancient healing art.


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Postnatal Mom & Baby Yoga with Sabrina Remsburg
10:45 AM10:45

Postnatal Mom & Baby Yoga with Sabrina Remsburg

Now Open for Preregistered “Drop-Ins”
Fridays, 10:45am-12:00pm
November 1st - December 20th

This Postnatal Yoga class provides a place for moms and babies, newborn to new crawlers, to benefit from practice and connect with women in a similar phase of life.

Each class in the series is 75 minutes with an optional extra 30 minutes of community connection through tea and chatting from 12:00-12:30pm

The yoga portion will include breathing and gentle movement to meet and support your beautiful bodies where they are in the moment. A guided massage and movement for babies will be included in each class. Each practice will end in a relaxing sound healing with crystal singing bowls.

Cost: $20 pre-registered “Drop-In”
This class meets in-studio

Learn more about Sabrina at our teacher bio page.

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