5 Week Online Series
Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm
February 28th - March 27th
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have arguably become the most influential text to modern yoga. But why? You've seen these pithy lines as captions on instagram posts but what does this text REALLY say about yoga as a philosophy, practice, and lifestyle? The ethical guidelines of yoga, the end goal of yoga practice, distractions and the obstacles, and what we can expect when near enlightenment… It’s all here! Join The Yoga Sutras Book club to read and discuss all of this and more! You'll feel right at home with your fellow nerdy, curious, and kind-hearted seekers in fun, deep, lively discussions of this seminal text.
9 CEUs (5 Contact Hours, 4 Non-Contact Hours)
Please purchase this version:
The Yoga Sutras translated by Alistair Shearer
You do not need to read anything before our first session.
Cost: $90
Tara Lemerise, E-RYT 200/E-RYT 500, was expecting the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series and ended up in a Restorative Yoga class instead. That was her best mistake ever! Tara has been teaching Restorative Yoga since 2005 and has earned Restorative Yoga teaching certificates from Jillian Pransky, Judith Hanson Laster, and Cyndi Lee. She has since trained over 100 yoga teachers in her highly-acclaimed Rest for All: Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. Tara is deeply committed to spreading the word about the power of the down-regulating and healing practices of Restorative Yoga in order to subvert the prevailing capitalist narrative that humans need to be over-worked and under-rested to have value. Learn more about Tara at www.TaraLemeriseYoga.com.
The Zoom link for these gatherings will be emailed to you one (1) hour before each class.