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Yoga Nidra: Unveiling the Mysteries of Yogic Sleep

Photo by Anton Shuvalov on Unsplash

The meditation practice of Yoga Nidra, referred to as "yogic sleep," is well known for its effortless de-stressing effects. Once we lie down comfortably and begin to follow the guided invitations to notice sensations, breathing, emotions, and thoughts, our bodies naturally relax and we drift into a states of peace and ease. The iRest® adaptation of the practice has been scientifically proven effective for conditions including chronic pain, sleep problems, depression and anxiety, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). So what is it that makes this practice so powerful? 

In this workshop, we uncover the fundamental yogic teachings that inform the practice of Yoga Nidra Meditation. We examine the 10 Step iRest® Protocol and become familiar with the Map of Self-Recognition on which it's based. Through studying the iRest® practice, we take a deep dive into exploring our own Presence and reveal the constant availability of unlimited peace--here and now. 

If you've been curious about Yoga Nidra for your self or for the purpose of incorporating it into your yoga/meditation classes, this workshop is for you! Not only will you gain a good understanding of the iRest® Yoga Nidra practice as well as meditative tools to use on your own and/or when teaching, but you will also experience a full Yoga Nidra meditation and touch right into your Presence as peace itself. 

Cost: $55

4 CEUs available upon request for Registered Yoga Teachers through Yoga Alliance


Shira Oz-Sinai is a spiritual teacher certified in iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation and Soul Lightening Acupressure®. She blends together Chinese medicine wisdom with yogic philosophy in support of cultivating awareness, healing, and awakening. Through individual and group sessions in and around Silver Spring, MD, Shira offers tools for living life with greater ease and a deeply loving friendship with self. Learn more about Shira at